Have you ever been in a situation where your anger controlled you instead of you controlling your anger? We assume this means an explosive expression of physical violence or verbal volcanic outburst. But what about angry withdrawal– fuming, muttering under… Continue Reading →
We’ve all known someone who feels they’ve been placed on this planet to dominate others. We see them in pre-school, telling other kids who can have what toy. Later, they end up as someone’s lab partner in high-school chemistry… Continue Reading →
When we are embarking upon significant task it’s normal for us to want to know the details. That’s why the disciples asked Jesus about the timing of the restoration of the kingdom: So when they had come together, they were… Continue Reading →
Good leaders are able to mobilize their team to get the jobs done. Great leaders do that while creating an environment of psychological safety and trust. Without this, no one will take the risk of speaking up. If no one… Continue Reading →
ALL IT TAKES TO TURN A NEGATIVE “BEFORE” INTO A POSITIVE “AFTER” IS SOMETHING LIFE-GIVING Take this plant, for example– classic “Before” and “After” situation– –Droopy and woebegone before… –Perked up and cheery-looking after What made the difference? WATER! Good… Continue Reading →
It’s so easy for our own selfishness and pride to get in the way of someone else’s selfishness and pride, and when they cross, it produces friction. Especially when both refuse to budge. In relational “science”, we could call this… Continue Reading →
IF WE WANT PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO US, WE HAVE TO BE APPROACHABLE! Does this house look welcoming? What do you think it says about the people who live there? We often walk past here, and for 3 years,… Continue Reading →
Lately I’ve been hearing often from people who tell me “he/she/they don’t understand!” That’s frustrating! Sometimes it’s their husband or wife. Or their kids. Or their parents. Or even a co-worker. Always, it’s someone who matters. We need these people… Continue Reading →
Recently I was leading a group-coaching session in which all members expressed some hesitancy to show all their strengths in certain situations. Everyone on the call are leaders, mid-level management and up. All are experts in their role, and all… Continue Reading →
True leaders of any kind know “Teamwork makes the dream work.” In fact I first heard this truth from my daughter-in-love. She’s mainly used it with our toddler and pre-school grandsons, who want to do just about everything by themselves!… Continue Reading →
Time in nature is transformational. It can be healing. It can reveal who we are. It can show us who we’re capable of becoming. It can foster community with one another. It can make us appreciate the comforts of home…. Continue Reading →
Stradivarius violins are not meant to be treated or played like trumpets, no matter how nice a trumpet may sound! Or, as Oscar Wilde put it, “Be yourself– Everybody else is taken!” What does this mean? Even as a child,… Continue Reading →
Some time ago I wrote about choosing our battles. As an illustration, I used our dog Trooper, when he decided to make himself comfortable in my favorite chair and I decided it wasn’t worth fighting over. Often in life we… Continue Reading →
What’s the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of disagreement? Debate (heated)? Disunity? Division? Disrespect? Dreadful? Damaging? Destructive? Other negative impressions and results that start with “d” or other letters? All of these often happen in… Continue Reading →
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