Take this plant, for example– classic “Before” and “After” situation–

–Droopy and woebegone before…

–Perked up and cheery-looking after

What made the difference? WATER! Good old, life-giving, H20!

Neglect obviously didn’t do this plant any good. Regardless of how benign our forgetfulness was, that plant was going to die if it didn’t get water!

Ah– but then we remembered– and watered it, and moved it into the sunlight– and the transformation became evident within a day

So– if we can facilitate this kind of transformation in plants, imagine what we can do for PEOPLE!  No, I’m not recommending pouring water on their heads (although if they need a drink, by all means offer them one)

There are many ways we can perk up and restore life to others who are “drooping” in their days, by moving them into the SON-light– such as:

1. Words of encouragement.  Who doesn’t need encouragement?  The unseen enemy of our souls barrages all of us with attacks on our sense of self-worth, lies that make us feel like failures, temptations that we sometimes give into, which lead to guilt and shame, etc. 

Then there’s the stuff in the world that causes fear, anxiety, depression, discouragement, and feelings of inferiority by comparison to others.  Then, the enemy capitalizes on the world stuff and our own “stinking thinking”, and we really have a problem!

That’s why encouraging words are the Holy Spirit’s “watering can” and Son-shine that our souls need daily.

“Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in settings of silver.”  Prov. 25:11 Valuable indeed!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Heb. 10:24-25

2. Inviting them to do something together, to enjoy each other’s company.  This communicates to them, “You are worth my valuable time.  So much so, that I will intentionally seek to spend time with you!”  In today’s age of hyper-busyness, this means volumes.

“Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people.” Rom. 12:16 (NLT)

3. Visiting them. Remembering Hallmark’s motto—“care enough to send the very best”—imagine how people will feel if we send ourselves!  As with the above, taking the time to go visit someone really communicates how much they mean to us, especially when we have to travel long-distance to get there! 

This can be our parents, adult-children and grandchildren, siblings, or friends.  They’ll feel blessed that we spent an extra measure of time and resources getting to them.

The Apostle John demonstrated this when he wrote to his dear “beloved” friend Gaius:

 I had much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink.  I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.”  3 John 1:13-14

4. Calling/texting/messaging them to let them know they matter.  Even sending good-old “snail-mail”—letters and cards—which takes more effort, lasts longer, can be kept, cherished, and displayed, and therefore really makes people feel valued and special. 

This is what the Apostle Paul did when he wrote letters to the churches he planted, to encourage, instruct, and even exhort them, because they all meant so much to him.  That’s how we got a lot of the New Testament.  Imagine if there had been phones and texting back then—we’d probably have an extremely long Bible if folks had saved all their messages!

5. Making something special for them, whether creative or practical, especially when we know they really need it—such as a meal, clothing, etc.

Tabitha/Dorcas serves as a good example here in Acts 9:36-43—“…she was always doing good and helping the poor” (vs. 36).  A lot of this included making robes and clothes for widows (v.39).

In fact, she “watered” those who needed it the most so much that they called Peter to come bring her back to life when she died! (v.38-43). Everyone loves a “waterer” and misses them when they’re gone.

6. Giving them a good laugh (just keep it clean and kind!)

“A merry heart does good like medicine.” Prov. 17:22 

We can all be health professionals in this way!

7. Ask the Lord to bring other ways to mind, and then follow His suggestions.

How have you “watered” someone lately, or how has someone “watered” you?

Meanwhile, don’t forget to “water” yourself by staying immersed in His Word!  An empty watering can can’t water anything or anyone.  Soak up His living water, and be ready to pour it out wherever, whenever, however, and to whoever He leads you to!