Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



How to Not Get Bounced Around

Do you ever feel like you’re at the mercy of every notification, message, and request that comes in? Yes, those notifications abound, and the higher up we go, the more often they sound. Does that mean we have to attend… Continue Reading →

For Those That Don’t Like To Say “No”

Wouldn’t it be great if we could say “yes” to everything and everyone? Yes, to joining every event. Yes, to living near everyone we love and like. Yes, to eating every kind of food and still yes to good health(!)… Continue Reading →

At The End of the Day

At the end of the day, there has to be an end of the day.   In other words, know when it’s time to stop working. Set boundaries around your time. Work won’t stop, but we can.   But how… Continue Reading →

What to Do When

Those who know what to do when, and when to do what, will never have trouble with time management.   Have you ever wondered what to do next, or what to do with those time-gaps between appointments and obligations? Any… Continue Reading →

Choosing the best

There are many good things you could do, but good can be the enemy of the best. Luke records a story that shows us the importance of choosing the best. As Jesus was nearing the end of His ministry, He… Continue Reading →

Dare to be a Daniel

The seemingly small decisions you make in your life set the trajectory for all that will follow. Jesus taught that those who are faithful in little things will be faithful in much (Luke 16:10). Daniel was a teenager who was… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

In our leisure we reveal what kind of people we are. Ovid The way we live in our free time reveals our priorities. What do you do in your non-working hours? It’s healthy to have a diversion from our work…. Continue Reading →

How to have God’s blessings

There may be times in your life when God’s blessings seem few and far between. Where is God when I need Him? The nation of Israel felt that way, but the problem wasn’t with God – it was with them…. Continue Reading →

How to save your life

We usually have a notion of what life should be. When reality does not match our idealized picture, then we may become frustrated. To alleviate our frustration, we can either change the external circumstances or we can change our perception… Continue Reading →

Where is your treasure?

One simple way to determine the location of your treasure is to look at your calendar and your credit card statement. Your calendar reflects how you spend your time and your credit card statement reveals how you spend your money…. Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of the nonessentials. Lin Yutanc Our American culture has a tendency to get bogged down in the nonessentials. We have many good things, but are we missing the best? Could it be… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. Erasmus, 16th century scholar I can identify with Erasmus. The associated picture is one of the walls of my personal library…. Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Minimalism is not about having less; it’s about making room for more of what really matters. We live in a society dominated by consumerism. Minimalism is an opportunity to to focus on the important matters of your life. You must… Continue Reading →

What is your calling?

Taking a road trip with our family is kind of like mobilizing a military campaign. There is food: we’re still searching for that perfect car snack that makes no crumbs, cannot melt, won’t make people hyper, and is unspillable. There… Continue Reading →

A remedy for overcoming discouragement

As you journey through life, you will encounter a number of situations that may cause you discouragement. Asaph, who was a worship leader in the Old Testament, describes a time of discouragement that he experienced. We may think that people in… Continue Reading →

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