Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



What is my responsibility?

There is currently a great deal of social turmoil in America in response the recent Supreme Court ruling. I do not like to get caught up in the drama of identity politics, but as a Christian, I seek to follow… Continue Reading →

Life Balance

Ever feel like you’re going bananas trying to balance your life? First, there’s your family: your spouse and his/her needs; training and helping your kids, who are running in all different directions, some of which you have to take them… Continue Reading →

Perspective for a troubled heart

What is your response when facing troubling news? We may lose our perspective and become overwhelmed with doubt and discouragement. Jesus had told His disciples that He would be leaving them and that one of them would betray Him. How… Continue Reading →

What is the source of your motivation?

The source of our motivation may stem from a variety of reasons. Some may be motivated by a sense of accomplishment whereas others may be motivated to gain popularity. The Apostle Paul revealed the overarching motivation for Christians in his… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Act, speak, and think like a man ready to depart this life in the next breath. Marcus Aurelius How often do we take our days for granted thinking that we can always do it later? Marcus reminds us that our… Continue Reading →

Decide to Decide

Indecision is a decision. If we don’t keep going, turn left, turn right, or turn around– that means we’re staying stuck! Or someone ELSE will decide for us– which will be for THEIR best interests, not necessarily or often ours…. Continue Reading →

Your days are your life in miniature

Do you see each day as a gift from God? Every day is a fresh start and your morning sets the trajectory for the day. Mornings are an opportunity to center our lives upon God. Reading and reflecting upon God’s… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself? Epictetus How many people are really living? Thoreau observed, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Far… Continue Reading →

The key to fruitfulness

Self-preservation is an innate characteristic among living creatures. Jesus however, revealed a grander vision to His disciples. Rather than merely watching out for oneself, He enlarged His disciples perspective by giving them a counter intuitive statement, Truly, truly, I say… Continue Reading →

Don’t Forget to Take Out the Garbage!

The area we live in often gets very windy.  Gusts come whipping around the bend up to 50 mph, carrying all kinds of debris, and dumping it where it has to stop.  Such as the outside wall of our house,… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Plato Plato’s statement may make us wonder, “Why are men afraid of the light?” Jesus… Continue Reading →

It’s Not Over ‘Til the Last Line is Sung

On MLK Day we took some of our youth group bowling (many grateful parents).  Some could bowl pretty well, others not so well, but we all had a BALL–  doing our best, encouraging and cheering each other on, laughing, and… Continue Reading →

For a Life That’s Super-Duper, Expect Sometimes to Use the Scooper!

…especially if you have a dog named Trooper—which we do!  Yesterday, as we were playing together in our yard, I was thanking the Lord for a day warm and dry enough to play there.  The “minefield” gave silent and smelly… Continue Reading →

Teach us to number our days

When I was a child, when December 1st appeared on the calendar I looked with great anticipation toward Christmas day. The days preceding Christmas seemed to move so slowly. I told my grandmother, “I can’t wait for Christmas.” My grandmother… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Is the life I am living worth what I am giving up to have it? The above question comes from The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz. Too many people are focused on making a living, but not… Continue Reading →

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