Ever feel like you’re going bananas trying to balance your life? First, there’s your family: your spouse and his/her needs; training and helping your kids, who are running in all different directions, some of which you have to take them to; perhaps an aging parent you’re caring for.

Then, there’s the household responsibilities, any volunteer service you may be doing, etc. On top of that, don’t forget you have a paying job with all its responsibilities and expectations!

And wouldn’t it be great to add spending time with friends, time to relax, and time for personal development in there? This includes quality time with the Lord and spiritual growth.

The fact that it took three paragraphs to describe it all shows how difficult balancing our lives can be! But take heart, it can be done! Here’s how:

First, put the Lord first, firmly in the center, as the foundation upon which everything else stands. This means “love Him with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength” (Deut. 6:5, Luke 10:27).

After that, base all our goals, plans, and deciding what to do and when on His agenda and advice, not on ours or others’. “Trust in the Lord in all your ways, lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov. 3:5-6).

We’ll also have a lot less frustration and stress this way, because our plans often get messed up, but His always stand. “In their hearts, people plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” (Prov. 16:9) That’s why it’s best to “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” (Prov. 16:3).

Then, determine our core values– what are those few things we wouldn’t give up for anything else? They can’t be too many, or they won’t be core anymore. These don’t all have to be “spiritual-sounding”—they just need to not go against Scripture. Here are some examples:














I’ve just listed a few of many. For more, you can do an internet search on values. What do even these few show us? We can’t have them all! Some of them conflict with each other. For example, we often have to choose between getting something done and spending time with people. Or those seeking security can only have so much adventure, and vice-versa.

These core values affect who we want to spend time with, what career/job we choose, and where we prefer to live. For example, if you’re in a culture/environment where those around you value harmony above truth and you put a premium on speaking one’s mind, you’ll think they’re deceitful and they’ll think you’re rude! Likewise, if you’re an adventure-seeker, you may not want to marry someone with a core value of security, unless you both don’t mind not spending time with each other!

Being in a place or job we don’t fit, or with people who have core values that conflict with ours, can definitely shake up our emotional balance. That’s one reason to recognize and stick with our core values.

Second, we need to create our priorities, based on our values. Without that kind of alignment, we won’t be doing the things we really care about. Instead, we’ll be running around trying to please everyone, doing things just to feel better about ourselves, and enslaved by “tyranny of the urgent”.

To avoid this, it helps to remember that we aren’t, can’t be, and don’t need to be, the savior of the world. We already have one, and He did/is doing a much better job than we ever could!

Finally, stick to those priorities and plan your day, week, month, and year accordingly.

  • This doesn’t mean be inflexible or unwilling to be “interrupted” by others’ legitimate needs.
  • It also doesn’t mean not being open to changing things up or letting the Lord change them up.
  • It definitely doesn’t mean an excuse for selfishness.
  • It does mean being intentional, so that you “happen to life” and keep your balance, instead of letting life throw you off balance.
  • It does mean only change the plans on purpose for a (legitimate) purpose—not according to others’ whims. As mentioned earlier, people-pleasing is one sure way to “get dragged from pillar to post” and lose your balance!

I still remember my dear older friend/”mom” talking about one guy who was always so frantically busy, he was “meeting himself coming around the block!” Don’t be like that guy—I’m sure he lost balance during one of those rounds.

Rest in the Lord, and He’ll make your life balanced and fruitful! In Matt. 11:28-30, He reminded all of us to, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest…”

When we build our lives and schedules on Him as our firm foundation, we can place everything else on that in balanced order, as opposed to letting things pile up and knock us over!

What will you shift today to get better balance in your life?