Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


John 8

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Preach the Law until they are convicted, then preach Grace until they are converted. John Wesley Jesus provided for us the model of evangelism. To those who were proud and self-righteous, He presented the law (Mark 10:17-27) and to the… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

To assess a nation, you look at the health and strength of its ideals. Os Guinness What would you say is the health and strength of the ideals of America? For many years it appeared that America had a common… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Søren Kierkegaard There are times in which it can be difficult to discern the truth. Every… Continue Reading →

A parent’s greatest joy

What is one of the greatest joy’s that a parent may experience? A cursory glance of the practices of many parents may lead one to believe that entrance into an ivy league school or an athletic scholarship is their main… Continue Reading →

Thank God Almighty we are free at last!

(The picture in this post was drawn by Jaimelyn Sapienza during a recent sermon at the Church at LifePark.) What percentage of people would you say are experiencing freedom in their lives? A number of people are in bondage due… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

Today’s sermon was from John 8:31-36, here are some quotes, 1. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! 2. The prisons we erect in our minds can be as debilitating as any prison made out of concrete and steel…. Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Plato Plato’s statement may make us wonder, “Why are men afraid of the light?” Jesus… Continue Reading →

Help for a hurting heart

What is your response when you’re facing affliction? Where do you turn when you’re feeling brokenhearted? How do you respond when you’re feeling trapped? The prophet Isaiah identified the solution to these problems as he described the ministry of the… Continue Reading →

Ready for the battle

What comes to mind as you think of getting ready for a battle? The Apostle Paul gives us practical advice in his letter to the Ephesians. He advises us to be prepared for the battle as he instructs us on… Continue Reading →

Are you walking in the light?

Have you ever been in a forest at night with no source of light? Years ago I was hiking from a mountain top to our base camp and my flashlight stopped working. There was no moon and the darkness was… Continue Reading →

Who is calling?

What is your response when you’re given an important assignment? We may have a number of reservations. At the forefront of our thinking is the question, “Who am I?” The reason is that we may feel inadequate for the task…. Continue Reading →

Are you walking in freedom?

All of us have experienced the disappointment of overcoming a negative belief or habit only to fall back into the same old routine. It seems as though we take three steps forward, but two steps back. In frustration we may… Continue Reading →

Happy 4th of July

As we celebrate our freedom we’re mindful of the men and women who have sacrificed and right now are on the front lines so we can enjoy the benefits of our freedom. The words of Lee Greenwood’s song “Proud To Be… Continue Reading →

God knows all about me and He still loves me!

Our recent blog posts have been examining some of the reasons why we may not experience victory in our lives.  We’ve looked at the danger of depending on ourselves and the problem of regarding our spiritual growth as a matter… Continue Reading →

Happy 4th of July!

On the 4th of July America celebrates the freedom that we enjoy as a nation.  We must realize however, our true source of freedom.  As Jesus was speaking with His countrymen he declared,   So if the Son makes you… Continue Reading →

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