The word “discipline” evokes images of sitting in a corner facing a wall or being sent to an isolated place for a “time out”, or being “grounded”, or a spanking, or worse, accompanied by a thorough rebuke so you’d know… Continue Reading →
Extraordinary results come from ordinary people with uncommon discipline. Uncommon discipline leads to extraordinary results, but uncommon discipline seems in short supply. Discipline is often difficult at the onset, but for those who choose the way of discipline, they will… Continue Reading →
I do not think anything worth having in the spiritual world is easily attained, there is no short-cut to holiness. Amy Carmichael We live in a society that looks for the quick fix or the easy hack. Amy Carmichael is… Continue Reading →
There is no easy way. There is only hard work, late nights, early mornings, practice, rehearsal, repetition, study, sweat, blood, toil, frustration, and discipline. Jocko Willink Our culture has a predilection for the quick fix, the easy hack, or the… Continue Reading →
We have a tendency at times to get involved in secondary and even trivial issues. The Apostle Paul gives us the proper goal for our lives: But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On… Continue Reading →
The pain of discipline costs far less than the pain of regret. Wayne Cordeiro Cordeiro points out in The Divine Mentor that wisdom teaches us the lesson before we make the mistake, whereas consequences demand that you make the mistake… Continue Reading →
When we’re facing difficult and uncertain situations, our natural response may be fear and trepidation. Perhaps that’s how Timothy, the Apostle Paul’s protege in the faith, felt as he was facing a new and challenging assignment. Paul gave Timothy a… Continue Reading →
Too many people have uphill desires with downhill habits John Maxwell John Maxwell declares that everything worthwhile is uphill. You know that anything worth having is worth the effort. Theodore Roosevelt lived by this creed, “Nothing in the world is… Continue Reading →
In Part One, we looked at the problem of distraction and how it can get us in trouble with our boss, coworkers, professor/teacher, spouse, friends, etc. We considered what makes our minds wander: External distractions: Noises, something funny happening, someone… Continue Reading →
The price of discipline costs far less than the pain of regret. Wayne Corderio writes in The Divine Mentor that we have two teachers: wisdom and consequences. Wisdom teaches you the lesson before you make a mistake and consequences demands that you… Continue Reading →
The phrase, “I’ve arrived”, may engender a feeling of contentment, accomplishment, and unfortunately, a lack of growth. There may be aspects in our lives in which we have arrived; however, our quest for spiritual maturity has no finish line –… Continue Reading →
We can’t buy good health; we must earn it. Joel Fuhrman As the New Year approaches many people are making resolutions regarding their fitness. Sadly most people jettison their resolutions after a few weeks because it’s not part of their… Continue Reading →
What comes to your mind when you think of discipline? Many of us tend to look at discipline as an unwanted, but necessary aspect of life. It’s something we need to do, but don’t necessarily want to do. The author… Continue Reading →
1. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11) 2. The road of discipline leads to a rewarding destination…. Continue Reading →
If you want what few people have, then you must be willing to do what few people do. We may want what other people have, but are we willing to pay the price? The Apostle Paul gives us the picture… Continue Reading →
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