Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Prov. 15:1

How To Get Out of the Mess

Hint: What got us into whatever mess we’re in won’t get us out of it.   There’s a lot we can do to get ourselves in trouble, bad circumstances, and/or psychological distress. Anger/aggression, dishonesty, disloyalty, lack of self-control, irresponsibility, laziness,… Continue Reading →

Dealing With Divas

As leaders, whether in the corporate world, an organization, or our family, we will encounter followers who’d rather not follow! These people think they know better, don’t find our directions or assignments suitable, and/or don’t want to submit to our… Continue Reading →

The Power of Gentle Words

It’s so easy for our own selfishness and pride to get in the way of someone else’s selfishness and pride, and when they cross, it produces friction. Especially when both refuse to budge. In relational “science”, we could call this… Continue Reading →

White Smoke

Years ago, after ministering overseas for a while, we returned home for a break time.  Our church had prepared a lovely townhouse for us to stay in, completely furnished, and ready to move into. A young mom, I was excited… Continue Reading →

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