Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Detoxifying the Atmosphere

Everyone knows that toxic leaders ruin an organization. Ball hogs and junkyard dogs are bad enough on a team but put them in leadership and they’ll “run off” all the true service animals!   What does that leave an organization… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

One enemy does more damage than the good of 100 friends.Bill Walsh I’m currently working my way through The score takes care of itself: My philosophy of leadership by Bill Walsh. Walsh led the San Francisco 49er’s through their dramatic… Continue Reading →

How to Gain Leverage in Life and Leadership

Wouldn’t it be great to have people actually listen to you, especially when you really need them to?  Whether team members, family members, or any group member, it’s frustrating and discouraging when people either write off our suggestions or don’t… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quotes

This past week I had the opportunity to attend the Global Leadership Summit. Here is a small sampling of ideas that resonated with me from some of the speakers. Craig Groeschel Great leaders never cast blame. Great leaders take responsibility.You… Continue Reading →

Remembering D-Day

I recently reread The Victors : Eisenhower and His Boys: The Men of World War II that chronicles the allies landing on D-Day, June 6th, 1944, to the surrender of Germany eleven months later. Ambrose contrasts the two opposing ideologies… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen. Simon Sinek This quote comes from Simon Sinek’s excellent book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Leaders must realize that… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Peter F. Drucker Peter Drucker was one of the most influential voices in modern management. His insights and wisdom have provided stability to many people and organizations. As you… Continue Reading →

The essential characteristics of God’s leaders

What does God look for in a leader? Tucked away in Psalm 78 is a brief description of one of Israel’s greatest kings – king David. Psalm 78 is a didactic Psalm in which the author presents a panorama of God’s goodness… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill We recently saw the movie “Darkest Hour” which chronicles Winston Churchill’s initial month in office as Prime Minister. This is an excellent… Continue Reading →

Global Leadership Summit 2017

A team of almost thirty women and men from LifePark recently attended the Global Leadership Summit. The Global Leadership Summit is a blend of vision, inspiration, and practical skills to help one become a better leader. It involves two days of world-class… Continue Reading →

Do you need a management consultant?

A management consultant is one who helps organizations and Individuals enhance their performance by assisting them to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Moses father-in-law, Jethro, could be considered one of the first management consultants as he provided helpful advice to Moses…. Continue Reading →

Lessons on Leadership from Wonder Woman

Several of our family members saw the movie Wonder Woman. This is a classic superhero movie with a battle of good versus evil. The movie exhibits the heroic characteristics of that genre, but it also incorporates a meta-narrative of wisdom… Continue Reading →

Leaders Made Here

Leaders Made Here: Building a Leadership Culture by Mark Miller is a fast moving parable about implementing a leadership culture in an organization. The fictional company searches out best practices and summarizes their findings into a blueprint that organizations can use to… Continue Reading →

Extreme Ownership

The principles in this book were forged in some of the most violent battlefields in Iraq.  The authors are Jocko Willink and Leif Babin who served as a Navy SEALs.  They fought in the Battle of Ramadi and they use their combat… Continue Reading →

2015 Global Leadership Summit

We had a great time at the 2015 Global Leadership Summit this past week.  Here is an overview of the speakers with a key thought from each session: Session 1 Bill Hybels – The Intangibles of Leadership Self-sacrificing love always… Continue Reading →

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