Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Isaiah 41

Weekly Inspirational Quote

God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it. John C. Maxwell Our journey through life may take us through some deep valleys. It’s a comfort to know that God is sovereign and He is in… Continue Reading →

The Joy of the Resurrection!

As we gather on Easter morning we come with great joy, but what was it like on that first Easter morning?  What was the mood of the disciples?  Put yourself in the sandals of the disciples on the first Easter… Continue Reading →

Know God – No Fear

This morning I was reading Die Losungen which is a devotional in German.  Today’s Old Testament verse is a great promise to those facing challenges, “Ich bin der HERR, dein Gott, der deine rechte Hand faßt und zu dir spricht: Fürchte dich… Continue Reading →

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