Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Time to Start Doing the Right Thing

“I have a question. If we accidentally, do it the wrong way the first time, should we continue doing it wrong the rest of the times?” This question was posed to me, the worship leader, by a team member during… Continue Reading →

Grow To Go

We can only go as far as we’re willing to grow. Why?   Going means movement. Unless someone is dragging, pushing, or forcing us, that movement involves our initiative and stepping out in some way. This requires growth in our… Continue Reading →

What Did You Expect?

Recently, during church service, a young man, age 22, gave a testimony about his faith journey, leading up to where he’s at now. He spoke of the many questions he’s had, how the Lord used others to bring him to… Continue Reading →

What Are We Responsible For?

Have you ever wondered what you’re responsible for? At work, at home, at school, in any group or organization we’re part of, everyone has a part. Even a newborn baby has a responsibility—to make their needs known. In case their… Continue Reading →

A pattern for personal development

It is crucial that we have a comprehensive view of personal development. Luke provides a pattern for our overall personal growth from the life of Jesus. And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and… Continue Reading →

Available but not automatic

God’s magnificent promises are available, but not automatic. There is a divine interplay between God’s provision and our responsibility. Peter opened his second epistle revealing God’s gracious provision for us in verses 1-4, and then he identified our responsibility to… Continue Reading →

How to Turn a Negative Before Into a Positive After

ALL IT TAKES TO TURN A NEGATIVE “BEFORE” INTO A POSITIVE “AFTER” IS SOMETHING LIFE-GIVING Take this plant, for example– classic “Before” and “After” situation– –Droopy and woebegone before… –Perked up and cheery-looking after What made the difference? WATER! Good… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Live as if you were living a second time, and as though you had acted wrongly the first time. Viktor Frankl The wonderful truth of Christianity is that we can be born again. We can put our past behind us… Continue Reading →

It’s Not Over ‘Til the Last Line is Sung

On MLK Day we took some of our youth group bowling (many grateful parents).  Some could bowl pretty well, others not so well, but we all had a BALL–  doing our best, encouraging and cheering each other on, laughing, and… Continue Reading →

For a Life That’s Super-Duper, Expect Sometimes to Use the Scooper!

…especially if you have a dog named Trooper—which we do!  Yesterday, as we were playing together in our yard, I was thanking the Lord for a day warm and dry enough to play there.  The “minefield” gave silent and smelly… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

No one was ever wise by chance. Seneca Every day we are surrounded by countless opportunities to acquire wisdom – if we have eyes to see and learn. Seneca teaches us that with the right attitude and disciplined intentionality you… Continue Reading →

A Work in Progress

What is your attitude toward people who frustrate you?  Admit it – there are people in your life who seem to have the not so spiritual gift of frustrating you.  Regardless of your best efforts they have a propensity to take the… Continue Reading →

Personal Growth

This weekend the church that I attend is hosting a Priscilla Shirer Conference for women on Friday & Saturday, May 4th and 5th  (the conference is 7-9:30 p.m. on Friday and 9-12:30 p.m. on Saturday, tickets are $10 and can… Continue Reading →


One of my favorite conferences each year is the Willow Creek Leadership Summit.  Mark your calendars – the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit is Thursday and Friday, August 9-10 this year!   Columbia International University is honored to be a host… Continue Reading →


We’ve seen that God speaks to us through His word, other people, the Holy Spirit, and circumstances.  How can I sharpen my listening skills so I am can ensure that I’m hearing from Him?  Here are three practices that will… Continue Reading →

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