Last week marked eight years since the homegoing to heaven of my beloved adopted Christian mom, “Mom G.” I had been thinking of her a lot and missing her, when the Lord did something very special— He arranged for me to… Continue Reading →
People have a tendency to cling to their concept of God rather than a humble acknowledgment that God is greater than our finite understanding of Him. God is omniscient and He is sovereignly working all things in accordance with His… Continue Reading →
If God is sovereign, then what happens to me, also happens for me. Life has a way of bringing challenging circumstances to us. We must not play the victim and succumb to self pity. Oswald Chambers warns us, “Self pity… Continue Reading →
God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it. John C. Maxwell Our journey through life may take us through some deep valleys. It’s a comfort to know that God is sovereign and He is in… Continue Reading →
What is your response to unforeseen events? Challenging circumstances can be especially disconcerting. When situations don’t go as planned, you can become disappointed and even angry. When you encounter circumstances beyond your control, it’s helpful to reevaluate your response and… Continue Reading →
God designs what we go through, we decide how we go through it. It’s comforting to know that God is sovereign over the events in our lives. Much of our frustration comes about because we’re trying to control what we… Continue Reading →
Proper planning is essential for success in life. Many of us are familiar with the adage, if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. When you’re involved in a large project, then you know the necessity of detailed planning…. Continue Reading →
Don’t seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will — then your life will be serene. Epictetus The Stoic philosopher Epictetus has provided a helpful prescription to keep… Continue Reading →
I am pleased to welcome Dr. Julie Tofilon as a writer to our blog (you can read more about Julie on our About Us page). Julie was a former student of mine at Columbia International University and she gives us… Continue Reading →
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