Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Surprise Others With Encouragement!

People are often surprised by encouragement. Why? 1) Low self-esteem—they don’t believe they deserve encouragement.  In their minds/hearts, they’re not good enough.  Or what they did wasn’t good enough.  Or what they plan on trying to do won’t be good… Continue Reading →

You can encourage others

There is no shortage of weary people in our world. The prophet Isaiah, in his third servant song (Isaiah 50:4-11), paints a picture of Jesus: The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how… Continue Reading →

How to Turn a Negative Before Into a Positive After

ALL IT TAKES TO TURN A NEGATIVE “BEFORE” INTO A POSITIVE “AFTER” IS SOMETHING LIFE-GIVING Take this plant, for example– classic “Before” and “After” situation– –Droopy and woebegone before… –Perked up and cheery-looking after What made the difference? WATER! Good… Continue Reading →

Perspective for a troubled heart

What is your response when facing troubling news? We may lose our perspective and become overwhelmed with doubt and discouragement. Jesus had told His disciples that He would be leaving them and that one of them would betray Him. How… Continue Reading →

Where do you turn in times of trouble?

There are times in our lives when we may feel down and discouraged. We may feel that no one understands what we’re going through. There is One who not only knows what we’re going through, but He cares. Jesus understands… Continue Reading →

Surprised By Encouragement

People are often surprised by encouragement.  Why? 1) Low self-esteem—they don’t believe they deserve encouragement.  In their minds/hearts, they’re not good enough.  Or what they did wasn’t good enough.  Or what they plan on trying to do won’t be good… Continue Reading →

The value of a discerning friend

There are times when we’re not sure what we should do. We can be so close to the situation that we can become biased in our thinking. We need to have discerning friends who can provide an objective perspective to… Continue Reading →

Disarming Discouragement

Have you ever felt discouraged?  If not, stop reading this.  But my guess is, since you’ve been alive long enough to be able to read, you’ve felt discouraged!  We all have. It’s discouraging when we think we’re doing well, only… Continue Reading →

Are you an encourager?

You were not created to live in isolation – you were designed to live in community. God informed Adam, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” We desire true community, but why does it seem so elusive? We… Continue Reading →

God knows and cares

All of us experience seasons in our lives that are difficult. The situation is even more painful when it seems that no cares and it feels like God has abandoned us. That is what the Israelites felt when there arose… Continue Reading →

The Power of the Other

My good friend Ray gave me The Power of the Other: The Startling Effect Other People Have on You, from the Boardroom to the Bedroom and Beyond—and What to Do About It (thanks Ray)! This book reveals the significant role that… Continue Reading →

Spur One Another On

We are designed to live in community.  The Bible contains a significant number of “one another” passages showing our responsibility toward one another.  Fellowship is not an optional luxury for a Christian but rather a spiritual necessity.  I’ve heard Bill… Continue Reading →


Enchantment:  the art of changing hearts, minds, and actions by Guy Kawasaki is a practical book about turning an everyday business transaction into an enchanting encounter.  He describes enchantment as transforming situations into meaningful encounters, converting hostility into civility, and… Continue Reading →

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