Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



The high cost of non-discipleship

Jesus attracted significant crowds to His ministry. His emphasis however, was not on numbers but dedicated followers. We have a tendency to measure success by the size of the crowd but Jesus was looking for disciples. Jesus downplayed the numbers… Continue Reading →

Following Jesus

What is involved in following Jesus? He did not entice His followers with false promises, but He made it clear that following Him entailed the way of the cross. Jesus took up the cross and, if they were to follow… Continue Reading →

The value of good teachers

Who are the teachers who have had a profound influence in your life? The Gospels indicate that one of the most common titles for Jesus was teacher. His followers referred to Him as a teacher almost fifty times and Jesus… Continue Reading →

Who’s your Timothy?

How do you think the Dead Sea got its name? The saline content is so high that it is difficult to support life. The Sea of Galilee is  approximately 90 miles north of the Dead Sea and it is teeming… Continue Reading →

Your great commission

Many of us have hopes and dreams of what we would like to do – the question is what does God want us to do? Regardless of your vocation, God has a special plan for you. It’s the same plan… Continue Reading →

A worthwhile purpose

What are the characteristics of a person with a worthwhile purpose? Perhaps you’re thinking of someone with enthusiasm, conviction, and tenacity. We know that having a worthwhile purpose gives verve and meaning to life. What is your purpose in life?… Continue Reading →

Deep Mentoring

God’s desire is for you to be salt and light in the world.  This involves helping others to follow Jesus.  The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses,… Continue Reading →

Passing the baton

When I was in Junior High School I ran the 440 relay race.  The critical part of the relay race is passing the baton.  A team with smooth transitions for passing the baton could actually beat a team with faster… Continue Reading →

How God Makes Men

How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley looks at the lives of ten Biblical heroes to examine how God developed their character. This book is filled with practical wisdom how you can develop those same strong character traits in your life…. Continue Reading →

Are You Making Disciples?

Jesus has given us a great commission, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;… Continue Reading →


Steven Furtick describes how he was challenged by Jesus’ amazing statement in John 14:12, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do;… Continue Reading →

Maximizing your Kairos Moment

At the 3dm Conference this week we discussed how God desires to get our attention in a variety of ways.  A Kairos moment is the realization of an opportunity before us.  It comes from the Greek word καιρός which may… Continue Reading →

3dm Discipleship and Mission Conference

Jeanne and I are attending the 3dm Discipleship and Mission Conference at Pawley’s Island.  3dm trains churches and Christian leaders how to do discipleship and mission in an increasingly post-Christian world.   The movement started approximately thirty years ago in England… Continue Reading →


We’ve passed a new milestone this week!  According to the United Nations we now have 7 billion people on planet earth.  A billion is a huge number, it’s not just a little more than a million, consider the following  comparison… Continue Reading →


This morning as I was reading Paul’s letter to the Galatians I reflected on Paul’s leadership style as recorded in 2:11, "But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned."  This is the… Continue Reading →

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