We face a barrage of attacks from the world, our own fleshly desires, and the devil. The Psalmist understood the severity of the battle and he also realized the key to victory: How can a young man keep his way… Continue Reading →
I do not think anything worth having in the spiritual world is easily attained, there is no short-cut to holiness. Amy Carmichael We live in a society that looks for the quick fix or the easy hack. Amy Carmichael is… Continue Reading →
We have a tendency at times to get involved in secondary and even trivial issues. The Apostle Paul gives us the proper goal for our lives: But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On… Continue Reading →
Who are the teachers who have had a profound influence in your life? The Gospels indicate that one of the most common titles for Jesus was teacher. His followers referred to Him as a teacher almost fifty times and Jesus… Continue Reading →
It’s frustrating how entrenched sinful habits can become in our lives. God has provided many wonderful pleasures for us, but the effects of the fall have adulterated what God meant for good. For example, the enjoyment of good food has… Continue Reading →
When you think of your conscience you may be reminded of Jiminy Cricket (who is actually depicted as a grasshopper). He admonished Pinocchio to, “Let your conscience be your guide.” This can be helpful advice if you have a conscience… Continue Reading →
As you look at the lives of famous people you may think “I could never be like that.” Bestselling author Robert Greene would most likely disagree with that statement. Greene has spent years studying highly successful people and has discovered… Continue Reading →
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