Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


1 Corinthians 6

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The dose makes the poison. Paracelsus The actual quote is “All things are poison and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.” (Original in German: ‘Alle Ding sind Gift und nichts… Continue Reading →

Three questions to guide you in times of uncertainty

When we face a decision that is between good and evil we know what we should do (although we may not always want to do it). Our challenge is how do we decide when the choice is not black or… Continue Reading →

Are you taking care of the temple?

People treat their physical body in a variety of ways. Some people take better care of their automobile than their body, whereas other people treat their body as an idol. The Apostle Paul gives us a proper perspective: Or do… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Who is your master? Anyone who has control over that which you’ve set your heart, or that which you seek to avoid. Epictetus There are many influences that seek to master us, but we need only one Master – God…. Continue Reading →

How to make disease disappear

How to Make Disease Disappear by Rangan Chatterjee is a holistic four pillar plan revealing how you can prevent and even reverse disease. The author is a British physician, author, podcaster, and television personality. He is best known for his… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We can’t buy good health; we must earn it. Joel Fuhrman As the New Year approaches many people are making resolutions regarding their fitness. Sadly most people jettison their resolutions after a few weeks because it’s not part of their… Continue Reading →

Do you have peace with God?

A primary reason why many of us feel that we need to earn God’s favor is because we do not have peace with God.   The Apostle Paul declares in the book of Romans that you can have peace with… Continue Reading →

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