passionHave you ever thought about why people do what they do?  Why do you do what you do?  There is probably an underlying desire that motivates you to action.  This is commonly referred to as passion.  Passion cannot be manufactured but it is discovered as you  learn what motivates you to action and inspires you to make a difference.

You may be thinking why is passion so important?  Life will you beat you down.  You may identify with this quotation, “We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.”  Without passion you will want to quit but with passion you will charge the gates of hell with a squirt gun and exclaim, “We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.”

Ephesians 2:10 states, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”  God has a special work for you to do and it’s probably not something that is boring and loathsome to you.  You may have been attracted to a career that promised great monetary reward but then you realized that your heart is not in it – that’s probably not the work God has designed for you.  You may be saying but I’m too old to change careers.  In the words of Craig Groeschel, “If you’re not dead, He’s not done with you!”  It’s never too late to start doing what is right.

Robert Quinn in his seminal work Change the World: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Results introduces the concept of fundamental state of leadership.  Bill Hybels in Holy Discontent reveals how this fundamental state produces passion as people respond with intentionality, enthusiasm, and persistence.  Hybels writes,

People who operate in a “fundamental” state of mind concentrate at higher levels and focus more intensely because the goal they’re pursing demands it. They take risks they wouldn’t normally take . . . because they have to – there’s too much at stake not to!  Their creativity kicks up a notch. Their energy soars. Their passion swells.  (Hybels, p. 119)

Have you discovered what makes your passion swell?  Life is too short to be spending your time doing that which does not impact eternity.  Invest some time with God this week and ask Him to reveal to you your God-given passion,

Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart.  (Psalm 37:4)

RickDr. Rick Higgins


Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University