humble_manYou were created by God on purpose for a purpose.  What percentage of people would you say are fulfilling their God given purpose?  Do you believe you are fulfilling your God-given purpose?  The first step in realizing your purpose is to understand God’s plan for your life and being willing to set aside your plans.  This requires humility as you realize that He is God and that you are not.

Jesus, the very Son of God, demonstrated humility the night before His crucifixion by washing the disciples feet.  The One who filled the oceans knelt down and filled a basin and performed a lowly task.  If Jesus, their Lord and Master, could wash their feet then they certainly could wash one another’s feet – and that is His expectation for you and me,

For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.  (John 13:15)

What act of service is God asking of you?  If you serve others out of a sense of obligation or if you seek to get something in exchange for your service you may grow resentful.  But if you are serving out of a true sense of humility you will be free from resentment.

Jesus acted in humility because he was secure in His identity, He knew His origin and His destiny.  John 8:14 records Jesus saying to the Pharisees, “. . . for I know where I came from and where I am going . . .”  Humility comes from a healthy self-image – humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.  As you seek to live with purpose follow the example of Jesus,

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.  (Mark 10:45)


RickDr. Rick Higgins

Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University