
Do you know anyone who seems stressed out?  “According to a recent World Health Organization study, 31 percent of Americans are likely to suffer from an anxiety problem at some point during their lifetimes — compared to 25.3 percent of those in Colombia, and 24.6 percent in New Zealand, the countries that rank second and third.”  Americans have the dubious distinction of being some of the most anxious people in the world.


There are a number of reasons for this malady but more importantly there is a remedy. Jesus offers an invitation to experience rest,


Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  (Matthew 11:28)


When you’re feeling anxious there is nothing more welcome than rest.  But how do you experience that rest?  It starts with coming to Jesus – not coming up with your own solution but simply coming to Jesus.  Notice what He advises next,


Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  (Matthew 11:29-30)


Now taking up a yoke is probably not your idea of rest.  If you don’t take His yoke however, the alternative is carrying your own yoke by yourself.  When you take His yoke you are partnered with Jesus so you’re not carrying the burden by yourself.  The Apostle Paul realized this partnership as he exclaimed,


For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.  (Colossians 1:29)


Paul realized what Dallas Willard calls “the discipline of the easy yoke.”  Perhaps you’re feeling weary and heavy laden and in need of rest – don’t try to do it in your own strength.  Come to Him – learn from Him – and experience His rest.  May you experience the discipline of the easy yoke.