Or, if we do fall, call for help right away! That’s what I did when I suddenly found myself on the floor of my living room, my leg/hip in excruciating pain, having just fallen from the fourth stair up. That happened three weeks ago.

A trip to the ER confirmed a broken hip. Then came the ordeal of emergency total-hip-replacement surgery and 4 days in the hospital. Helpless. In varying degrees of pain. Totally dependent on others for my well-being and care. In a hospital bed for most of that time looking up at the lovely sign in this picture, “Call, Don’t Fall!”

Oh, what wisdom can be found there! Not just for over-feisty patients who want to get up and walk around on their own, but for life in general. Spiritual life. Emotional life. Relational life. Anything.

Including our thought life. From the moment the accident happened my mind was awash with analysis on how it could’ve been prevented. An endless string of “If only…” scenarios paraded through my thoughts, each of which on its own could’ve kept me safe and whole.

Then came the “What if…”s to join them, like the color guard with a marching band. Each included various future outcomes, all harmful, all negative, all anxiety laden. And depressing.

Add in the self-condemning thoughts, like dancing monkeys in the mix. Wondering why I was so stupid. Wondering what the Lord might be punishing me for. Wondering…

My thoughts were bringing me down, down, down-be-dooby-down, as I began to fall deeper into a pit of self-pity, doubt, and depression.

Two things kept me from continuing down that endless spiral—My husband and other friends’ company, and the Lord Himself.

Since there were many hours when my husband and others couldn’t be there to keep me in good cheer, I thanked the Lord many times for being right there with me. Especially when He reminded me!

The Bible, podcasts, prayer, practicing His presence, worship music, fellowship, etc., all kept me from falling and/or brought me back up when I started to. On top of that, He gave me a sign—literally—that He’s always right there when I need Him. That “Call, Don’t Fall!” sign on the ceiling above my bed!

It’s our choice—we can either follow our “stinking-thinking” down to the pit where it all comes from, or we can call on Him to help us “…take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). We can ask Him to fill our minds with thoughts of whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and/or praiseworthy (cf. Phil. 4:8). Then, call on the Holy Spirit within us to evict anything that fit that list!

We can also call on Him instead of falling in other areas as well: In whatever harmful, sinful action we’re tempted to do; In what we say and how we treat others; In what we do to our bodies; etc.

If we’ve already fallen, or fallen again, call again—and again—and again! Don’t stay down. As soon as we call for help from Him, He’s there. It reminds me of that song, “You’ve Got A Friend”—except this Friend will never leave or fail us!

 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deut. 31:6)

It works. I speak from experience. Not just in the hospital, but everywhere—for:

–Battling and overcoming temptation to sin

–Forgiveness and restoration if and after we sin

–Gaining His power to love and do good

–Receiving wisdom to discern right from wrong

–Any positive changes we need and want to make

–> Call don’t fall!