What is your response to the question, “If you were to stand before God and He were to ask you ‘Why should you enter into heaven?’ How would you respond?” Frequent responses include the following:  good works, obeying the golden rule, or religious activities. We often feel like we need to do something to earn our faith – the concept of grace seems too good to be true. But what does the Bible teach?

Randy Raysbrook has described how you can share your faith in one verse. Through the skillful use of questions you can present the truth of the Gospel using a clear visual illustration:

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

This verse provides key truths to assist one in understanding the Gospel. A simple approach is to write the verse across the top of a piece of paper and then explain the significance of the following words in the verse.

Circle the word “wages” and ask, “What is meant by wages?” Wages are the payment due based upon one’s actions.

Next circle the word “sin.” and ask, “What comes to mind when you think of sin?” Sin is both an attitude and an action. We must realize that sin separates – use this concept to draw two opposing cliffs with a gap in between.

Circle the word “death” and ask “What does death imply?” Death results in separation from life.

Circling this word emphasizing the contrast between the left side and the right side of the diagram.

Draw a circle around “gift” and ask, “If wages are what a person earns, then what is a gift?” Although a gift is free you must realize that someone purchased it.

Circle this word and emphasize God’s love for us (Romans 5:8). Ephesians 2:8-9 is also a helpful passage to help one see the significance of God’s gift.

Eternal Life
Circle these two words and ask, “What comes to mind when you consider eternal life?” Contrast the two sides of the cliff – death and eternal life.

Christ Jesus
Write these words so they create a bridge between the two cliffs. Jesus Christ is able to give you the gift of eternal life (John 14:6).

As we put our faith in Jesus, He can bridge the gap between our sin and God. This involves turning from our old way of living (repentance) and choosing to believe that Jesus died for me.

There are many things we attempt to do to bridge the gap between us and God – good works, our performance, and even religion. The problem is all of our good works fall short. Good works are important but they are the fruit, not the root of our salvation. Have you trusted in Christ’s finished work rather than your performance for your salvation?

RickRick Higgins

Associate Pastor – Discipleship.  The Church at LifePark

Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University