Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



The key to contentment

The world system tells us that we must have the latest and greatest product to experience contentment. This may lead us on a mythical quest to buy a bigger house, a new car, and the have the latest technology. The… Continue Reading →

What Are You Becoming?

We become like who or what we trust in. Ps. 115:8 tells us: “Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.”   The “them” here refers to idols, which the Psalmist has proven in… Continue Reading →

The danger of drifting

If you have been sailing, you know that plotting your course and speed is not sufficient information to arrive at your intended destination – you must also take into account the current. If we do not plan for the current,… Continue Reading →

Achieving the Best Goals

Have you ever found yourself setting one goal after the other, only to experience disappointment when you couldn’t achieve them? As discussed in my previous post, the first step in achieving our goals is setting the right ones in the… Continue Reading →

Setting Godly Goals

Goal setting and attainment have become a major concern in modern-day life. Even for those who’d rather not deal with goals, someone else (such as their boss) may require them to. How, then, can we set and achieve the right… Continue Reading →

Life Balance

Ever feel like you’re going bananas trying to balance your life? First, there’s your family: your spouse and his/her needs; training and helping your kids, who are running in all different directions, some of which you have to take them… Continue Reading →

Do you know the truth?

Truth may often be the first casualty in matters of convenience or expediency. We have a tendency to put our preferences and knowledge in place of knowing God and His ways. The nation of Israel sought their own way rather… Continue Reading →

“Follow Me!”

You’ve probably seen the Darwinian depiction of the evolution of man. It shows 5 stages, beginning with an ape, on the left, with its long arms on the ground by its feet, then the gradual “coming up” of his arms… Continue Reading →

Who is setting your agenda?

We must accept the fact that there seems to be too much to do. Life does not accommodate itself to our wishes or desires. When we embark on the futile attempt to get everything done, we are actually evading the… Continue Reading →

Developing a sense of urgency

How do you spend your time? We have a tendency to gravitate to those tasks that are easy rather than those that are difficult. The difficult undertakings often prove to be most significant in the long run. The easy tasks… Continue Reading →

How to Keep An Attitude of Gratitude In the Midst of Commercialism

I recently saw a funny-yet-profound post on Facebook—a picture of a front yard with an inflatable turkey and inflatable Santa next to each other.  The turkey, standing upright, had evidently knocked the Santa on its back, since it was declaring,… Continue Reading →

Choosing the best

There are many good things you could do, but good can be the enemy of the best. Luke records a story that shows us the importance of choosing the best. As Jesus was nearing the end of His ministry, He… Continue Reading →

What to do when you don’t know what to do

What is your response when you’re facing an insurmountable problem – a situation in which you have no idea what to do? That was the dilemma that King Jehoshaphat faced: Now it came about after this, that the sons of… Continue Reading →

The joy of adventure

Time in nature is transformational. It can be healing. It can reveal who we are. It can show us who we’re capable of becoming. It can foster community with one another. It can make us appreciate the comforts of home…. Continue Reading →

Make every day count

Life is too precious for us to waste it by being weighed down by the burden of our sin. There may be situations in our lives that cause us deep regret and anguish. You may be currently experiencing a time… Continue Reading →

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