The weight of our sin can seem overwhelming at times. John Bunyan portrayed the burden of sin in his classic allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress. King David in the Old Testament felt the weight of his sin as he committed adultery… Continue Reading →
There is freedom in the life of a Christian. It is not freedom to do as we please, rather it is a freedom to do as we ought. In the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he described their… Continue Reading →
The Song of Solomon portrays the joy and intimacy of a couple in love within a committed marriage covenant. This book also foreshadows Christ’s relationship with His bride, the Church. At the conclusion of this discourse the bride summarized the… Continue Reading →
The call to be a Christ follower is a great blessing and a great responsibility. A Christian is one who is concerned for the well-being of others. God has called us to be others focused. In the Old Testament God… Continue Reading →
A follower of Jesus Christ thinks and acts differently than the people of the world. The Apostle Peter described that change: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you face an overwhelming and, from our perspective, a an impossible situation? There is story in the Old Testament about a woman who faced a heartbreaking tragedy: Now a woman of the wives of the… Continue Reading →
A great frustration of life is knowing what we want to do, but instead we do the very thing we don’t want to do. If you have ever been on a diet, then you can relate to this dilemma. Don’t… Continue Reading →
We finished our Breakthrough sermon series today and learned how we can have victory over our struggle with sin. We do not need to remain in the struggle of Romans 7, but we can experience the fullness of the Holy… Continue Reading →
God is with us when we are with Him. What does it look like when a person is walking with God? The Apostle Paul delivers five present tense imperatives that, if practiced, may enable one to walk with God: Finally,… Continue Reading →
John 11:1-44 not only depicts one of Jesus’ greatest miracles, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, it also provides insight into the difference between God’s perspective and ours. To Jesus, Lazarus being dead, embalmed, wrapped, and sealed in a… Continue Reading →
The prophet Isaiah was living in a time of uncertainty. King Uzziah had died and the nation was facing a significant transition. Where do you turn in times of uncertainty? Isaiah went to meet with God and saw an amazing… Continue Reading →
How’s the condition of your conscience? It’s been said that a clear conscience is a soft pillow. As the Apostle Paul gave his defense before Felix, he was diligent to declare that he had a blameless conscience before God and… Continue Reading →
We find that urgent concerns have a tendency to crowd out important matters. In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John identified several ways that churches may go astray and lose sight of what is most important. The church at… Continue Reading →
Advertisements for “new and improved” have abounded for as long as we can remember, and likely for as long as our ancestors could remember. (We can imagine marketers proclaiming to parents that in order for their children to keep up… Continue Reading →
Or, if we do fall, call for help right away! That’s what I did when I suddenly found myself on the floor of my living room, my leg/hip in excruciating pain, having just fallen from the fourth stair up. That… Continue Reading →
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