Imagine you’re hiking through dangerous terrain with an experienced guide. He knows where the dangers are and provides protection for whatever situation you may face. How would you feel if he said he was leaving you? Perhaps you feel confused, somewhat scared, and uncertain about your future.
That was the situation the disciples faced when Jesus said He was leaving them. Jesus makes an amazing statement in John 16:7, "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” The disciples were probably thinking how can this be to our advantage? You may feel the same way at times, “If only Jesus were here.” How is it to our advantage that Jesus is not with us?
Returning to our hiking illustration, what if your guide said to you “I’m leaving but here is a GPS unit. It will tell where to go, how far it is, and provide waypoints along the way.” Now your anxiety level is not so high. Although you don’t have the personal contact you desire, you have a reliable companion to show you the way.
Jesus has not left us alone, He has provided the Helper who is the Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us. The word Helper literally means “one called alongside.” It is often translated Counselor, Comforter or Helper. As you navigate the challenges of life (school, work, relationships, etc.) you must realize you are not alone. It is to your advantage that Jesus has returned to the Father because He has sent the Holy Spirit to minister in and through us. Here are just a few of the ministries of the Holy Spirit from the Gospel of John:
Provides abundant life through us – John 7:37-39
Indwells us – John 14:16
Teaches us – John 14:26
Bears witness of Jesus – John 15:26
Guides us – John 16:13
What are some ways you have experienced the Holy Spirit in your life?
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