Last weekend my husband and I took a trip to visit family near Chicago. As we began our descent into O’Hare airport, the “Windy City” welcomed us with enough turbulence to make us feel like we were flying in a… Continue Reading →
If someone comes up to you and says, “I’m going to be brutally honest with you…”, how does that make you feel? Probably like you have to brace yourself, prepare to be offended in some way, and perhaps become defensive… Continue Reading →
Have you ever found yourself spiraling down, down, down, into depression, discouragement, and despair? When that happens, the source is always counterproductive (usually negative) thought patterns, aka “stinking thinking”! But don’t despair over despair! What gets us down can also… Continue Reading →
Preach the Law until they are convicted, then preach Grace until they are converted. John Wesley Jesus provided for us the model of evangelism. To those who were proud and self-righteous, He presented the law (Mark 10:17-27) and to the… Continue Reading →
What is your response when facing troubling news? We may lose our perspective and become overwhelmed with doubt and discouragement. Jesus had told His disciples that He would be leaving them and that one of them would betray Him. How… Continue Reading →
Solomon presents a helpful proverb to ensure we have an honest evaluation of the situation. A wise parent knows that when children are involved in a disagreement with a sibling, they will seek to place themselves in the best light… Continue Reading →
It is essential that we have a proper view of Jesus. Some people view Jesus as a kindly figure who always extends grace to those in trouble. Other people view His commands and expectations as unattainable and unrealistic. What is… Continue Reading →
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Søren Kierkegaard There are times in which it can be difficult to discern the truth. Every… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt discouraged? If not, stop reading this. But my guess is, you have—especially since the global Covid pandemic started. since you’ve been alive long enough to be able to read, you’ve felt discouraged! We all have. It’s… Continue Reading →
Even the best relationships encounter times when we have to communicate a hard truth to other person or people. Since most of us don’t relish this or feel we have the “ministry of rebuke”, it feels uncomfortable. So we either… Continue Reading →
What is one of the greatest joy’s that a parent may experience? A cursory glance of the practices of many parents may lead one to believe that entrance into an ivy league school or an athletic scholarship is their main… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt discouraged? If not, stop reading this. But my guess is, since you’ve been alive long enough to be able to read, you’ve felt discouraged! We all have. It’s discouraging when we think we’re doing well, only… Continue Reading →
Everyone wishes to have truth on his side, but not everyone wishes to be on the side of truth. Richard Whately One of the great ironies in the Bible is when Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” Pilate did not realize that… Continue Reading →
Several years ago George Barna wrote, The Frog In The Kettle. He explains that the way to boil a frog is not to put him in a pot of boiling water because he’ll jump out. The key is to put… Continue Reading →
Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach is an amazing story of an individual who was raised by LGBT parents and experienced the hatred of Christians but ended up becoming a pastor. This book is a cogent blend of grace and truth… Continue Reading →
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