Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Proverbs 13

The wisdom of others

We may believe that we know the best course of action, but we must realize that our perspective is limited. Effective leadership is the result of wise individuals coming together and providing guidance for one another. Solomon reveals the benefit… Continue Reading →

How are you being influenced?

We have a number of influences in our lives – family, friends, media, books, etc. People who are close to us have a significant influence in our lives. You may have heard the saying, “Show me your friends, and I’ll… Continue Reading →

How to deal with shattered dreams

Have you ever experienced the pain of shattered dreams? When the actual situation does not match our expectations, it often results in heartache. Unfortunately there is no shortage of situations that can cause us to lose heart. We are a… Continue Reading →

Overcoming Uncertainty

There is no doubt we live in uncertain times. People are concerned about financial uncertainty, the threat of terrorism, and the direction of the country as we have a national election coming. At times we may feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty… Continue Reading →

Prepare for the worst – Hope for the best

Being the optimist that I am I find it easy to hope for the best; however, hope is not a strategy.  The experience of life however, has taught is teaching me to prepare for the worst.  Solomon teaches us, Hope deferred makes… Continue Reading →

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