We may believe that we know the best course of action, but we must realize that our perspective is limited. Effective leadership is the result of wise individuals coming together and providing guidance for one another. Solomon reveals the benefit of a multitude of counselors,

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory. (Proverbs 11:14)

The Hebrew word for “guidance” is derived from a nautical term related to the pulling of a rope and by implication guiding or directing a ship. Just as passengers on board a ship depend upon the navigation team for safe passage, so we depend on wise counselors to keep us on a safe course.

Assuming the counselors are led by God, we see the result is victory. The word that Solomon uses for victory conveys the idea of salvation or deliverance. The necessity of having wise counselors is a recurring theme in the book of Proverbs,

Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22)

Prepare plans by consultation, and make war by wise guidance. (Proverbs 20:18)

For by wise guidance you will wage war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory. (Proverbs 24:6)

The truth is, none of us is as effective as all of us. When we’re working together and gaining counsel and wisdom from one another, there is a synergistic effect making us more effective than our individual efforts. Who are the wise counselors in your life?

Proverbs also teaches us the danger of relying only on our own wisdom,

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel. (Proverbs 12:15)

We see a considerable emphasis on the importance of community in the Bible. The New Testament contains a number of “one another” verses that tell us how to relate to each other. We were created to be dependent on God, but we also are to be interdependent with one another.

We need a select number of people in our lives who know God and love us. These are people who are willing to tell us not simply what we want to hear, but they will tell us what we need to hear. These are people with whom we can be mutually accountable. These are people who are deeply committed to our personal growth and success.  These are the type of counselors we need to keep us close God.

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. (Proverbs 13:20)

RickAssociate Pastor – Discipleship.  The Church at LifePark

Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University

Follow me on twitter:  rickhiggins5