Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Proverbs 12

The root determines the fruit

What enables people to withstand hardship and adversity? Here’s a clue – what enables trees to withstand strong winds and adversity? A tree’s beauty may be revealed in its branches, but its strength lies in its roots. Trees that are strong… Continue Reading →

Let God’s word guide your way

It is axiomatic that your direction often determines your destination. The Psalmist gives us a picture of a person who is guided by God’s word. Psalm one reveals the contrast between the ungodly and godly person. The Psalmist reveals what… Continue Reading →

The key to stability and fruitfulness

When you gaze upon a beautiful tree you see the verdant leaves and the luscious fruit but you do not see the means whereby the tree is able to grow and become fruitful. A healthy root system enables the health… Continue Reading →

The wisdom of others

We may believe that we know the best course of action, but we must realize that our perspective is limited. Effective leadership is the result of wise individuals coming together and providing guidance for one another. Solomon reveals the benefit… Continue Reading →

Cure for a heavy heart

The challenges of life at times can cause us to have a heavy heart. The writer of Proverbs reveals a cause and a cure for a heavy heart, Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word makes… Continue Reading →

A strategy for overcoming sinful habits

It’s frustrating how entrenched sinful habits can become in our lives. God has provided many wonderful pleasures for us, but the effects of the fall have adulterated what God meant for good. For example, the enjoyment of good food has… Continue Reading →

Bearing Fruit – Part 2

In our last blog post we saw how the birds of the air took the precious seed which represented the word of God.   Jesus then described another hindrance to bearing fruit, Other seed fell on the rocky ground where it did not have… Continue Reading →

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