Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Phil. 4:8

Zoom Away From Anxiety

Last weekend my husband and I took a trip to visit family near Chicago. As we began our descent into O’Hare airport, the “Windy City” welcomed us with enough turbulence to make us feel like we were flying in a… Continue Reading →

Where True Greatness Begins

To be truly great, we must be truly good. In other words, as Jesus told His disciples: “’But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as… Continue Reading →

Spiritual “Eyecare”

Years ago, my mom-in-love had surgery to remove the worsening cataracts in her eyes. The ophthalmologist had told her she’d have to wait until the cataracts got big and bad enough to take them out. I suppose they had their… Continue Reading →

How to Overcome and Defeat Bad Habits

At the risk of oversimplifying, overcoming bad habits is a whim away (..a whim away…a whim away…). For real—not just a song! When we automatically respond in harmful anger, turn to substance abuse, binge-watch, grab comfort food, etc., these all… Continue Reading →

The More We Call, The Less We’ll Fall

Or, if we do fall, call for help right away! That’s what I did when I suddenly found myself on the floor of my living room, my leg/hip in excruciating pain, having just fallen from the fourth stair up. That… Continue Reading →

How to Reverse and Defeat Counterproductive Thought Patterns—Part 1

Have you ever found yourself spiraling down, down, down, into depression, discouragement, and despair? When that happens, the source is always counterproductive (usually negative) thought patterns, aka “stinking thinking”! But don’t despair over despair! What gets us down can also… Continue Reading →

Getting Rid of the Old to Make Room For the New– Part 1

There’s something about the last week of December and first week of January that makes us think about change. Anticipation gives way to realization of a new year, as we evaluate the old year, and consider goals and plans for… Continue Reading →

How to Quicken the Rate of Change and Forward Movement

Some time ago I made a “scientific” discovery:  The rate of change and forward movement  is directly related to the level of motivation.  While this may not qualify as a law of physics, it does apply to human and animal… Continue Reading →

Gratitude vs. Grumbling

In Ex. 15:22-25 we read—“Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water.  When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because… Continue Reading →

Talking Self-Talk

Do you ever talk to yourself? What do you say? How do you say it? Do you listen?👂 In the past, people who talked to themselves were sent to mental institutions. Now we have a socially, psychologically, accepted term for… Continue Reading →

Minding Our Minds– Part 2

In Part One, we looked at the problem of distraction and how it can get us in trouble with our boss, coworkers, professor/teacher, spouse, friends, etc. We considered what makes our minds wander: External distractions: Noises, something funny happening, someone… Continue Reading →

Don’t Forget to Take Out the Garbage!

The area we live in often gets very windy.  Gusts come whipping around the bend up to 50 mph, carrying all kinds of debris, and dumping it where it has to stop.  Such as the outside wall of our house,… Continue Reading →

How Much Do You Want It?

A few days ago I made a “scientific” discovery:  The rate of change and/or forward movement is directly related to the level of motivation.  While this may not qualify as a law of physics, it does apply to human and… Continue Reading →

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