Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Matthew 28

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The great Commission is not an option to considered, but a command to be obeyed. Hudson Taylor Put on your sanctified imagination and imagine that Jesus has returned to heaven after finishing the work of redemption by paying the price… Continue Reading →

Your great commission

Many of us have hopes and dreams of what we would like to do – the question is what does God want us to do? Regardless of your vocation, God has a special plan for you. It’s the same plan… Continue Reading →

The Joy of the Resurrection!

As we gather on Easter morning we come with great joy, but what was it like on that first Easter morning?  What was the mood of the disciples?  Put yourself in the sandals of the disciples on the first Easter… Continue Reading →

A Life-Changing Encounter

What is a life-changing encounter that you’ve experienced?  How did it change your life?  What emotions did you experience? Think of the range of emotions the disciples experienced  during the last week of Jesus’ life.  His triumphal entry into Jerusalem… Continue Reading →

Beach Baptism!

This past Sunday First Baptist Church of Mt. Pleasant and The Church at LifePark came together and baptized over 70 people in the Atlantic Ocean at the Isle of Palms.  It was a fantastic celebration as people displayed their faith… Continue Reading →

Living with Purpose – Courage

Do you ever sense that God’s purpose for your life is too big for you – perhaps a little overwhelming?  If you do that’s good news, it probably means that it’s God’s purpose and not your own plan.  As you… Continue Reading →

Are You Making Disciples?

Jesus has given us a great commission, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;… Continue Reading →


The word adventure is defined as a bold, usually risky undertaking involving hazardous action of uncertain outcome.  We visited Niagara Falls and Abigail wanted to take the hike at the base of the falls.  We donned yellow parkas and sandals… Continue Reading →

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