Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



How and Why to Lead Graciously

In a world where many believe that graciousness is too “soft” for leaders, I’m here to tell you the opposite— Gracious leaders are loved leaders.  Loved leaders are FOLLOWED leaders. If no one is following, we’re not leading.  Sure, we… Continue Reading →

Listening for God’s Voice

Have you ever wondered, “How do I know if the Lord is speaking to me?”  Or, similarly, “How do I recognize the voice of God?”—as opposed to your own thoughts, the devil disguising himself as an “angel of light”, or… Continue Reading →

How to Gain Leverage in Life and Leadership

Wouldn’t it be great to have people actually listen to you, especially when you really need them to?  Whether team members, family members, or any group member, it’s frustrating and discouraging when people either write off our suggestions or don’t… Continue Reading →

What Voice Are We Listening To?

THE VOICE WE LISTEN TO BECOMES THE MUSIC WE PLAY! I discovered this while playing keyboard for our worship service last Sunday… –Just when I was about to play the introduction for our closing song I heard other music in… Continue Reading →

© 2025 Rejoice in Him