Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Preemptive Relaxation

How do you relax?  This afternoon I took a 14 mile bike ride on wooded trails.  I pushed myself up the hills feeling the lactic acid building up in my legs and wondering if I could make it to the… Continue Reading →

Finding rest for your soul

Do you know anyone who seems stressed out?  “According to a recent World Health Organization study, 31 percent of Americans are likely to suffer from an anxiety problem at some point during their lifetimes — compared to 25.3 percent of… Continue Reading →


Contentment may be defined as being satisfied with what one has and not wanting anything else.  The picture on this blog post is Arielle after a meal of macaroni and cheese along with a blueberry pancake from my plate –… Continue Reading →


The word adventure is defined as a bold, usually risky undertaking involving hazardous action of uncertain outcome.  We visited Niagara Falls and Abigail wanted to take the hike at the base of the falls.  We donned yellow parkas and sandals… Continue Reading →

Zest for Life

Have you ever noticed the enthusiasm of children on a playground?  They exhibit a true zest for life.  The picture on this blog post is my granddaughter Lily going down a slide at Chittenango Falls (fond memories in my past)… Continue Reading →

Persevering through the chaos

There’s no escaping the fact that times of transition can be difficult.  As you are going through times of transition they are often characterized by uncertainty, chaos, and an unclear resolution.  When you acknowledge that transitions are difficult you seem… Continue Reading →

The Delight of Disillusionment

Have you experienced the delight of disillusionment?  Disillusionment basically means to be free of illusions.  The dictionary defines illusions as „something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.”  Jesus realized the delight of disillusionment as he… Continue Reading →


In the United States we are celebrating Memorial Day to remember the men and women who have given their lives while serving in the Armed Forces.  We remember with sadness those who paid the ultimate price for the freedom we… Continue Reading →


The picture you see is a beautiful church building located in Paris, France.  From a distance it looks quite impressive, but as Jeanne and I approached the front entrance it appeared to be boarded up, it was littered with trash,… Continue Reading →


God has a plan for your life but sometimes we think we have a better idea.  Common sense dictates that we need to have a detailed plan and build safeguards into our lives.  Planning is important and the Bible does… Continue Reading →


What is your comfort zone?  A comfort zone is an emotional state in which you operate with ease and there is a minimal amount of risk.  Comfort zones are highly individual so that what is anxiety producing for one person… Continue Reading →


This past weekend I broke a tooth.  I was thinking, “I don’t need this, I have a busy week, I’m away from my regular dentist (we can become creatures of habit), why did this have to happen?”  Remembering to chew… Continue Reading →


Jeanne and I attended Church services in the little German town where we are living.  As you may expect the service was in German and I was able to understand some of the words although I usually miss the verb… Continue Reading →

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude

I’ve observed over the years that grateful people are often characterized by joy and are quite pleasant to be around whereas ungrateful people never seem to be satisfied but are constantly struggling. The difference is not in circumstances nor in… Continue Reading →


When Work & Family Collide is highly recommended for anyone who struggles to have adequate time for both work and family.  Andy Stanley starts the book by describing cheating which he defines as “choosing to give up one thing in… Continue Reading →

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