Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


John 17

Who is setting your agenda?

We must accept the fact that there seems to be too much to do. Life does not accommodate itself to our wishes or desires. When we embark on the futile attempt to get everything done, we are actually evading the… Continue Reading →

A gift for you!

Jesus has a special gift for you. He made the offer to His disciples as they were about to face one of their greatest challenges and that same gift is available to you today. These things I have spoken to… Continue Reading →

So Send I You

What does it mean to be sent?  It usually connotes the participation in a mission that we’ve been assigned.  When you’re on a mission you’re laser focused and you have a single-minded purpose.  Jesus prayed that His disciples would continue… Continue Reading →

The Gift of Joy

Jesus has a special gift for you.   He made the offer to His disciples as they were about to face one of their greatest challenges and the gift is available to you today. These things I have spoken to… Continue Reading →

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Do you ever feel stressed out from the demands of everyday life?  Greg McKeown addresses that problem head-on in Essentialism. The author points out, “Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it’s about how to get the right things… Continue Reading →

The 6 x 6 Plan

Have you ever had seasons in your life when you’re really busy?  Perhaps you’re in one of those seasons right now – I am!  How can you stay focused and keep your composure when it seems like there is too… Continue Reading →


It’s great being back in Germany – seeing old friends and making new friends.  I taught yesterday from 8 to 6 p.m. and since today is Saturday we finished our class at 12:30 and I was able to do some… Continue Reading →

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