Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


James 1

True Spirituality

Your words and your actions reveal the genuineness of your faith. It can be easy to appear spiritual when times are good, but how do you respond in stressful situations? The efficacy of our faith is often tested during difficult… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. Edmund Burke Our initial response to adversity is often avoidance. One guarantee of life is that you will face difficulties. I can’t always… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We learn who we are in practice, not in theory. Herminia Ibarra We can rely upon assessments as a substitute for the hard work of figuring out who we are. Psychometric tests can be helpful, but those are usually a… Continue Reading →

Do you know your benefits?

Membership in certain organizations accords various benefits. A member of the military for example, is allowed access to military installations and has the ability to visit the exchange or commissary. Do you realize your benefits as a follower of Christ?… Continue Reading →

A parent’s greatest joy

What is one of the greatest joy’s that a parent may experience? A cursory glance of the practices of many parents may lead one to believe that entrance into an ivy league school or an athletic scholarship is their main… Continue Reading →

The perfection of imperfection

Have you ever felt frustrated that you fall short of your expectations? You may have thought “If only I were (fill in the blank: thinner, richer, stronger, smarter, popular, etc.). But what if your life was as it should be?… Continue Reading →

The essential characteristics of God’s leaders

What does God look for in a leader? Tucked away in Psalm 78 is a brief description of one of Israel’s greatest kings – king David. Psalm 78 is a didactic Psalm in which the author presents a panorama of God’s goodness… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

It’s not the truth that you know, but the truth that you obey that matters. Johnny Hunt There is often a gap between what we know and what we do with what we know. Our goal is to shrink that… Continue Reading →

What is your calling?

Taking a road trip with our family is kind of like mobilizing a military campaign. There is food: we’re still searching for that perfect car snack that makes no crumbs, cannot melt, won’t make people hyper, and is unspillable. There… Continue Reading →

How to develop endurance

What’s your attitude when you encounter various trials in your life? If you’re like me, my natural response is to avoid them. The Apostle James gives us an surprising perspective, Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various… Continue Reading →

A worthy role model

Who are the role models in your life? It’s helpful to have people who can show us how to live. Years ago I coached young children playing soccer. If you were to watch these children playing soccer you would get… Continue Reading →

Spiritual Growth – Part 2

Part 1 of this series on Spiritual Growth focused on investing time with God, specifically through engaging with Scripture.  This blog post examines a way that God shapes our character that, if we had a choice, we would probably tend… Continue Reading →

Three Dangerous Words

Three little words have destroyed many a diet, savings plan, and the best of resolutions.  You’ve heard them countless times and have no doubt, said them yourself.  What are those words?  Here’s an example: I regularly ate lunch with a… Continue Reading →


How to Be a Family  by  Tricia Lott Williford chronicles her life in raising two young boys after the tragic death of her husband.  If you want to have the background and read the account of his death you can click here .  Tricia… Continue Reading →

Performing Under Pressure

Performing Under Pressure: The science of doing your best when it matters most challenges the myth that certain people perform well under pressure.  The truth is pressure degrades our judgment, decision making ability, attention,  and dexterity. The authors provide practical… Continue Reading →

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