Procrastinating is harder than just getting it done. Whether it’s a project, a deliverable, a response to a message, cleaning up, getting organized, taking care of your health, or restoring broken relationships—there will always be added burdens that get increasingly… Continue Reading →
People are often surprised by encouragement. Why? 1) Low self-esteem—they don’t believe they deserve encouragement. In their minds/hearts, they’re not good enough. Or what they did wasn’t good enough. Or what they plan on trying to do won’t be good… Continue Reading →
Dreams are the stuff that greatness is made of! Last weekend, the USA and others celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first landing of a person on the moon. “One small step for (a) man; one big leap for mankind!”… Continue Reading →
On MLK Day we took some of our youth group bowling (many grateful parents). Some could bowl pretty well, others not so well, but we all had a BALL– doing our best, encouraging and cheering each other on, laughing, and… Continue Reading →
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