Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Gal. 5:22-23

It’s Hard to Hide an Elephant

By now, most of us have heard the term “Emotional Regulation”. As believers, we call it “emotional self-control”. We also know it as: Not freaking out; getting a hold of ourselves; keeping it together; not losing it; not blowing up;… Continue Reading →

What Makes Us Function Best

A lot has been written about “optimizing our performance”. Training, skill-building, self-care, maximizing and leveraging our strengths, and several other modern buzzwords all grace the pages of written material and occupy airtime on podcasts and videos.   All good advice…. Continue Reading →

How To Disprove Negative Expectations Of Us

Become the kind of person that others decide isn’t as bad as they thought!   Doesn’t that sound negative? No, because it means we can improve people’s expectations of us by improving our character and demonstrating the change. Sad but… Continue Reading →

Taking the First Step Toward Reconciliation

How many times has this scenario happened to you– You have a disagreement with someone you care about– Emotions rise, voices raise with them, anger boils over, both of you get hurt, and one or both of you marches away… Continue Reading →

The Power of Gentle Words

It’s so easy for our own selfishness and pride to get in the way of someone else’s selfishness and pride, and when they cross, it produces friction. Especially when both refuse to budge. In relational “science”, we could call this… Continue Reading →

How to Gain Respect

Have you ever felt disrespected?  If you haven’t and would like to, try being a substitute teacher in a middle-school class! For the rest of us, we dislike it when others: —Tune us out and don’t listen to our suggestions,… Continue Reading →

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