Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Blessed Are the Hand-Raisers

Some people are natural hand-raisers. When they raise their hands to volunteer to help, everyone loves that. But the enthusiasm that drives their volunteering also drives their interest in sharing their opinions, suggestions, and innovative ideas. They want to contribute…. Continue Reading →

How and Why to Be Gentle—Part 2

The last post gave us an overall description of “gentle”: G racious E mpathetic N urturing T ender L oving E ncouraging In it, we looked at the G.E.N. Now we’re going to cover the T.L.E.: Tender— Opposite of harsh. Notice—… Continue Reading →

Who Needs Encouragement?

Everyone needs encouragement, even if they don’t look like it or won’t admit it. There’s: Family members— Our spouse; kids; parents; siblings; cousins; aunt; uncles; nieces; nephews; grandparents; grandchildren; in-laws (yeah, them too!)… People close and/or significant to you– Our… Continue Reading →

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