There may be times in your life when God’s blessings seem few and far between. Where is God when I need Him? The nation of Israel felt that way, but the problem wasn’t with God – it was with them…. Continue Reading →
One simple way to determine the location of your treasure is to look at your calendar and your credit card statement. Your calendar reflects how you spend your time and your credit card statement reveals how you spend your money…. Continue Reading →
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of the nonessentials. Lin Yutanc Our American culture has a tendency to get bogged down in the nonessentials. We have many good things, but are we missing the best? Could it be… Continue Reading →
We see that there are many hindrances to bearing fruit in our lives: the attacks of the enemy, a lack of depth in our spiritual maturity, and today we will look at the pressures we face from the world. Jesus… Continue Reading →
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