Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart

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God’s great rescue mission

Have you ever been rescued from a dangerous situation? If so, then you know the relief and gratitude that you’ve experienced from being delivered from danger. God has performed one of the greatest rescue missions in history; however, many Christians… Continue Reading →

Are You Ready?

Picture this scene (or perhaps this has happened in your home)—You’ve promised your child to take them somewhere they’ve always wanted to go, and now it’s time. They’re excited. They’ve been eagerly anticipating this promise fulfilled for what seems like… Continue Reading →

The futility of life apart from God

We were created to live in communion with God. When Adam chose to sin, mankind became separated from the true knowledge of God and people sought live for themselves. God desires our fellowship because He knows that a life apart… Continue Reading →

What Did You Expect?

Recently, during church service, a young man, age 22, gave a testimony about his faith journey, leading up to where he’s at now. He spoke of the many questions he’s had, how the Lord used others to bring him to… Continue Reading →

Do you know the power within?

We live in a world filled with a variety of influences. Our challenge is to discern which influences are from God and which ones are from the world. The Apostle John instructs us that we need to test the spirits:… Continue Reading →

Living Into God’s Design For Us

Those who do what they’re designed for will always enjoy their work and find purpose and meaning therein. Show me someone who loves their job to the point of eagerness to do more and I’ll show you someone who’s doing… Continue Reading →

How to experience refreshment from the Lord

How do you experience times of refreshment? When we think about refreshment, it may bring to mind going swimming on a hot day summer day. Others may find refreshment from a novel and pleasurable experience. We may experience refreshment in… Continue Reading →

Let’s Make Room For Others

Those who makes no room for others will always walk alone. I noticed this in the physical realm the other day when I saw a couple walking their dog. The wife tried to walk next to the husband on the… Continue Reading →

The fullness of sanctification

Are you experiencing life as God intended? We have a tendency to settle for less than God’s best for our lives because we are keenly aware of our failures and foibles. We may think that life on a higher plane… Continue Reading →

Leaving Our Comfort Zone Before It Expires

Yes, even our comfort zones have an “expiration date”. In other words, sometimes our comfort zones won’t always stay so comfortable! Consider showers, for example.  We’ve all been there—standing in the shower, luxuriating and relaxing under the flow of water… Continue Reading →

The consequences of an unwilling heart

God desires a relationship with His people, but we have a tendency to go our own way. The prophet Isaiah made this observation: All of us, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way;… Continue Reading →

How to Invest “Disposable” Income

…Your neighbors have “recycle bins” they’d love for you to use! In other words, we have better uses for our “extra” finances than just spending them selfishly on things we don’t need. “All well and good”, a prosperous person may… Continue Reading →

Are you engaged in the battle?

Many people go through life oblivious to the various attacks against them. We struggle against the world, the devil, and our own fleshly desires. As the Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy, he warned him against a common struggle that… Continue Reading →

What To Do About Busy Signals (and People)

Back in the day of landline phones (which some folks still have), there was this annoying sound called a “busy signal”. It wasn’t pleasant. Whoever designed it could have kindly created the sound of chirping birds or a harp or… Continue Reading →

Make every effort

What is it in your life that receives your maximum effort? There are many worthwhile endeavors that garner our attention, but are we focusing on that which is the best? The Apostle Peter teaches us that the key to a… Continue Reading →

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