Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart

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Do you know good from evil?

As we view the world around us we see a value system that differs from the teachings of God’s word. Isaiah described the nation of Israel as a vineyard that was designed to produce good grapes. God’s people were to… Continue Reading →

Remembering the Next Morning

Remember the next morning before you do or say anything now! My senior year of high school I had the blessing of spending over eleven months in rural Finland as an exchange student. During that time a popular public-service announcement… Continue Reading →

Do you know that you know?

Some Christians hope that they are good enough to have eternal life. The Apostle John addressed this concern and taught that we can know that we have eternal life. He explained the basis on our salvation: And the testimony is… Continue Reading →

Detoxifying the Atmosphere

Everyone knows that toxic leaders ruin an organization. Ball hogs and junkyard dogs are bad enough on a team but put them in leadership and they’ll “run off” all the true service animals!   What does that leave an organization… Continue Reading →

Should I follow my heart?

Popular advice often enjoins us follow our heart. In the Scriptures, the heart often refers to one’s inner person encompassing our thoughts, feelings, and volition. The desire of our heart may be reliable (Psalm 37:4) or our heart may lead… Continue Reading →

Position Doesn’t Equal Value

The stone on top of the stack isn’t the biggest or best one. Nor is it necessarily the most beautiful. In fact, it’s there because of the bigger ones supporting it underneath. Likewise, a higher position doesn’t equal a superior… Continue Reading →

What does God require of you?

God has outlined standards for His people in the first five books of the Bible known as the Torah. These books describe how sinful mankind may have a relationship with a holy God. Moses summarized what God requires of His… Continue Reading →

Your ultimate security

People look for safety and security in a variety of places. It’s wise to be prepared for the storms of life, but we must understand that we cannot prepare for every contingency. This should not cause us to despair, but… Continue Reading →

At The End of the Day

At the end of the day, there has to be an end of the day.   In other words, know when it’s time to stop working. Set boundaries around your time. Work won’t stop, but we can.   But how… Continue Reading →

Are you a Berean?

What is your approach to studying the Scriptures? Some people consider it as a book of history with some interesting stories and helpful principles. Some view the Scriptures as something they should read, but they seem to lack enjoyment in… Continue Reading →

Genuine Loyalty

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Mat. 6:24   Many years ago, a few months after we got… Continue Reading →

Our great high priest

What do you picture Jesus doing right now? The writer of Hebrews gives us a fascinating insight into His present ministry. The Old Testament priesthood was a shadow of the reality to come: Every priest stands daily ministering and offering… Continue Reading →

Watching the Pot

We’ve heard the saying, “A watched pot never boils”, meaning “Don’t just sit around anxiously waiting for something to happen or it will seem to take even longer, or may not even happen at all.” That’s true. But there are… Continue Reading →

Strength for the journey

Paul and Barnabas were not content to simply gain professions of faith, but they were obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples. They were intentional about nurturing their converts to maturity. Luke, the author of the book of Acts, outlined their… Continue Reading →

Discerning What’s Real Despite What We Feel

Our feelings are real, but they don’t equal reality. For example—we feel hurt because of what we perceive as disrespect by someone who still hasn’t answered our email after a week. This is a real and valid feeling and concern…. Continue Reading →

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