Time magazine recently named Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of facebook as the man of the year.  While many may argue for their favorite selection there is no denying the impact of facebook.  Lev Grossman writes, “In less than seven years, Zuckerberg wired together a twelfth of humanity into a single network, thereby creating a social entity almost twice as large as the U.S. If Facebook were a country it would be the third largest, behind only China and India . . . We are now running our social lives through a for-profit network that, on paper at least, has made Zuckerberg a billionaire six times over.”  Membership on facebook is growing at approximately 700,000 people per day!


This article contains an amazing picture of the concentration of where facebook users are and interestingly are not.  Facebook has an incredible influence but there is a greater influence and that is the movement that was started approximately 2,000 years ago by a young man the same age as Mark Zuckerberg – His name was Jesus.  He certainly would not qualify as the man of the year for the Jerusalem Times but He is recognized as the man of all times as the Son of Man, the long awaited Messiah!  Jesus is the reason for Christmas!