
Herm Edwards speaks to the incoming rookies of the NFL.  This talk is applicable to every young man who wants to be a professional at what he does.  He shares a number of great principles, here’s a few of my favorites:

You’re in the big leagues now — it’s your privilege to be here

Your jersey is rented and you are replaceable

The 12 o’clock rule – nothing good happens after midnight

Understand the "why"

If you don’t have a plan it’s just a wish

Your habits create who you are

In life all you need is one of everything

Commitment usually starts with a struggle

Wealth and fame attracts many friends – choose them, don’t let them choose you

Practice and compete — against yourself

I highly recommend you watch the talk and hear his passion, here’s the address to watch part one of the talk: 

What’s your favorite principle from his talk?