Have you ever felt like you weren’t strong enough—

–to lift a heavy package?

–to move something big?

–to defeat the opposition?

–to solve a problem?

–to face the day?

–to deal with crushing news or failure?

Even the strongest among us have at least one area or situation where our strength doesn’t measure up to the need, leaving us with two choices:

~brace ourselves for the proverbial boulder to roll back down over us; or

~get more strength—quick!

But where do we get more strength from, especially when we need it right away?  Order it online?  Even Amazon Prime doesn’t deliver that quickly!  Drop and do 20 (pushups)?  That could help for physical strength but the muscles still take time to develop, and still may not suffice for the challenge.

Then there’s the mental and emotional strength we need for facing life with.  Where does that come from?

Many people say, “We just have to develop our own inner power.”  Read enough good books; do yoga; empty our minds (easier for some than others) and meditate on nothing but a syllable; eat, drink, smell, the right stuff; etc. 

Some of that could work, to a degree—as long as: 1) What we read is actual, beneficial truth; 2) We don’t open our minds to harmful thoughts and effects from a bad source; 3) The stuff we take in is actually healthy and won’t damage our innards.  In other words, be careful and discerning!

But even the best of that is usually not enough by itself because it either doesn’t have enough power, isn’t perfect, or doesn’t last as long as we need.

Our own inner power will never suffice. It leaks.  It atrophies.  It’s deficient. 

So we need MORE than our own inner power.  A source outside ourselves that’s– “renewable energy”, we can access at all times, works every time, never runs out, and always provides enough strength to meet the need and win the day. 

–A strength that makes us stronger than ourselves.

This reminds me of a tug-of-war contest I participated in once.  Why I was even in that event struck me as a mystery since I have toothpick arms and very little muscle. Probably because our team needed all the volunteers they could get, and “every little bit helps”. 

The university I taught at overseas had Sports Day, and our team consisted of the foreign faculty.  We were up against the local “faculty” (plus the grounds and maintenance “ringers” they’d put in there).  Picture David vs. Goliath here. 

But we had “A.C.”  A.C. not only had muscle, he was a trainer, and knew how to somehow “transfer” some of that muscle to us.  All he had to do was be willing, and to encourage us along the way. He was and did.

All we had to do was be motivated, receive, and follow his encouragement and instructions to gain strength. We were and we did. 

We tugged “Goliath” to a standstill—it was amazing! Afterwards, I looked at my biceps—still like toothpicks.  What happened?  Sure not my power!

Or the time, during grad school, when my close friend (another girl) and I entered a canoe race during retreat.  I thought, given my physique (or lack of), “we’ll have fun trying”, but didn’t expect to even come close to winning.  Especially since the other duos consisted of guys.  Some big guys. 

We took off, with my friend in the back of the canoe, and catapulted out there—stroke, stroke, stroke—in sync, with mostly HER strength to propel us forward—and WON!  Of course the guys weren’t too happy.

The synergy of our teamwork, her strength, (and maybe some angel power), won the race for us.  Unforgettable—because I knew the win came from strength way beyond any inner or outer power I could muster.

Which leads us to the emotional and spiritual application:  When we’re not enough, God is.  He’s with us, for us– ready to grab the “rope” or the other “paddle”—direct us, encourage us, and infuse us with His strength if we’ll lay hold of it.

How does God strengthen us when we need it?:

1. To overcome obstacles much bigger than us.  

“For by You (God), I can run through a troop and by my God I can leap over a wall.” Psalm 18:29

2. To protect us from evil, and evil people.

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”  2 Thes. 3:3

3. To do whatever both we and He want done.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13

4. To energize us when we’re worn out, so we can keep going.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Is. 40:29

5. To give us hope and encouragement when we feel hopeless.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Ps. 73:26

6. To give us courage to face opposition and difficulties.

“So be strong and courageous, all you who hope in the Lord!”  Ps. 31:24

7. To do things in the best way possible, by trading our weakness for His strength.

“My [God’s] strength is perfected in weakness.”

8. To get the help we need in times of trouble, whether we or someone else caused it.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Ps. 46:1

Now that you know where to find strength when yours runs out, go get it and apply it wherever and whenever you need to!