Ever wish you could rewind time and do an edit on events/ your actions/your words? Cut out the ugly, damaging, stuff and splice together the good stuff? Even do a re-take and say/do the right thing instead of the wrong one?

I have.  Like the times I’ve made stupid comments out of insecurity.  Or snapped at a loved one when I was tired, hungry, and grumpy as a result.  Or failed to take the opportunity to reach out to someone because I was afraid they’d reject me.

In one way, we can’t do a re-take. It happened. No turning back the clock.  We either said/did it, or we didn’t.

But the good news is, that is NOT THE END OF THE STORY!

Today is another chapter!

What can we “write” on the blank page?

  • A sincere apology to whoever we’ve wronged. That person may or may not forgive us right away or at all.  But they’ll be glad we apologized, and it can only help them and us, if we admit our wrong.  That’s what emotionally mature people do— own up to our part of the problem—even if it’s less than 1%!
  • Reaching out to restore a broken relationship. This may include an apology.  It may involve forgiving the other person.  It may require (“gulp”) going to the other person and asking what happened—how we might have offended them.  Again, it’s up to the mature one to take the first step.  Be that mature one.  (Rom. 12:18)
  • Words of affirmation and encouragement face to face, by phone, in a card, text, or email to those who need to know we like and love them. There’s enough criticism and discouraging circumstances floating around in the world and landing on people.  We can lift those burdens by lifting people up. (Prov. 16:24)
  • A change in lifestyle and eating habits to restore our health. Sick and tired people get sick and tired of other people and circumstances a lot faster—it’s much harder to be patient, kind, and positive, when we feel like rigor-mortis has set in and left!  This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t treat others well when we’re exhausted, stressed out, or ill.  Just that we can make it a lot easier by controlling our health and relieving the stress as much as possible.
  • Character building in areas we know we’re weak in. As we may have heard, “whatever’s inside comes out when it’s squeezed.”  Or, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”  (Lk. 6:45)  Imagine not having to worry about what comes out!
  • Spending time (or more time) with the Lord to make all of the above work! No way we can do all of this on our own—will power will only take us as far as our own limited will, strength, and abilities.  Not to mention overcoming our inherent selfishness!  “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Phil. 2:13)

Wishing the past away will only make us continue to live in its regrets.

Living each day as a fresh start will change our stories– not all at once, though.

It will take time:

–for the person you apologize to, to trust you again

–for broken relationships to be restored.

–for people to know you really believe in them.

–for good results to show in your health.

–for good character to be built.

–for spiritual strength to develop through your relationship with the Lord.

The key is CONSISTENCY. Keep “writing” that new story. And if you mess up, write it new the next minute.

Your new story starts TODAY! The Lord promises that in Lam. 3:22-23.

What new things would you like to write in your story today?