???? What do I mean here?
I recently read of an experiment in which someone put fleas in a jar with a lid on it…
At first, they desperately flew up against the lid in an attempt to escape…
after about 20 minutes, they gave up…
Then the scientist removed the lid…
But none of the fleas fled the jar! Why?
Even though the way of escape presented itself and there was no longer any barrier, every flea stayed put in their imprisonment, until they starved to death.
All because they thought they had no way out, and no other
Sad. But all too often, people believe, feel, and act just like those fleas.
How about you? Have you tried and tried and tried some more to change something but couldn’t get anything to change due to limitations?
Have you tried to achieve something, only to come up against a barrier to any measurable results?
Have you tried to escape from something hurting you in your life– only to keep bumping up against a “lid”?
Ask yourself this question: “What if whatever has been holding me down only exists now IN MY MIND?”
What if those limitations, barriers, and lid have actually been removed? Or, if not, what if you can remove them now?
How can we find out?
First of all, we can try again. You know the old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” The only time I don’t recommend this is for sky-diving!
Just remember to make some adjustment to the way you try, so as to avoid the insanity of trying the same thing the same way and expecting different results.
Some options for adjustment include:
–Timing—when you do it
–Method—how you do it
–Duration of action—how long you do it
–Approach—your attitude and perspective while doing it
–Motivation—why you do it
Second, we can enlist help from other people. A lot of doors and “lids” will remain closed to us if we try to get through them on our own strength. But watch what happens when we have a friend who can open them for us, or help us open them, or connects us to someone who can help.
Even if it’s “I know someone who knows someone who knows someone…”, networking works. It opens doors to places, people, and opportunities we wouldn’t otherwise have, and pops lids off our limitations.
One paralytic in Jesus’ time got that kind of help from some good friends—in this case, they opened the roof for him—so that the sky literally became the limit, when his friends lowered him down on his mat in front of Jesus, putting him in the best position to get healed. Jesus healed him, forgave his sins, the paralytic went home with a new life, and everyone praised the Lord. (see Lk. 5:17-26)
Finally, although this should really be listed first, we can enlist the LORD’S help. He’s our ultimate connection, door-opener, door CREATOR, and lid-Lifter!
He makes sure we meet the right people, find the right way, and get all the power we need– to change whatever needs to be changed, achieve our goals, and put our past failures and hurts in the rear-view mirror.
“Nothing is (shall be) impossible with God.” Lk. 1:37; Mat. 19:26
He has promised us “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Is. 43:19
And when it comes to a way of escape—from temptation, bad habits, etc., He assures us “…He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Cor. 10:13.
Go ahead– Try again, more intelligently, if you’ve failed before. Don’t be too proud or shy to ask for help from others. And pray for the Lord to make a way, His way– the way that works.
Aren’t you thankful we don’t have to remain a helpless specimen in the devil’s jar?!
Besides, we definitely have more sense than a flea!
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