Many people say “Religion should be kept private.”  Perhaps that’s true.  I, for one, am not a proponent of religion.  Religion, in basis and practice, involves a myriad of rules and methods to gain favor with one’s perception of “God”, or “gods”, or to manipulate an impersonal force. 

While rules, methods, and “god”-concepts vary, the one thing all these have in common is distance and striving, with no relationship.  No wonder religion isn’t very appealing, and “should be kept private”!  Especially when different concepts and rules cause arguments and conflict!

But there’s a better way—relationship, instead of religion.  Those of us who have a real relationship with the Lord need not be ashamed to say good things about Him to others.  And those who don’t need not be offended by hearing those good things, as long as such a relationship isn’t forced upon them.

It’s like being married to someone you really love—always a good and positive thing.  When I compliment my husband in public, people don’t say “That’s offensive to me!  Keep your positive thoughts about your husband to yourself!” 

Instead, they either smile (sometimes indulgently), agree, agree and add more to the praise, or (if they’re unsure) ask why I say that.  Even those who have a sour view of marriage will say something like “Well, I’m glad you found a good guy!”, or, “I’m glad this marriage thing is working for someone!”

The same applies to those who really love their dad.  Except, those with not-good dads would say “Oh, I wish I had a dad like that!”  Or, “Well, at least there’s some good dads out there!”

So, since we can freely praise those we love, without forcing them on others, why not praise the Lord in public?  It can’t hurt, and will only help! 

Let’s look at some benefits of praising the Lord, derived from Psalm 22:

1. It shows we have relationship with Him and models it.

    “I will declare your name to my people;
    in the assembly I will praise you.” Ps. 22: 22

2. It encourages others who have relationship with Him to praise Him too.

       “You who fear the Lord, praise him!”  Ps. 22:23a

3. It reminds us that God is the Source and Enabler of praise.

   “From you comes my praise in the great congregation…” Ps.  22:25      

4. It inspires others to seek Him and get comfort, help, etc., in relationship with Him.

    “The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied;
    those who seek him shall praise the Lord!
    May your hearts live forever!” Ps. 22:26

5. It makes praising, knowing, worshiping, and remembering Him “go viral”  –so the joy of relationship with Him becomes global.

    “All the ends of the earth shall remember
    and turn to the Lord,
    and all the families of the nations
    shall worship before you.”  Ps. 22:27

6. It gives eternal perspective to even those who are quite satisfied and prosperous in the “here and now”.

    “All the prosperous of the earth eat and worship;
    before him shall bow all who go down to the dust,
    even the one who could not keep himself alive.”  Ps. 22:29

7. It passes down a legacy—causing a chain and ripple effect of praise, from generation to generation. 

    “Posterity shall serve him;
    it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation;
    they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it.” Ps. 22:30-31

So go ahead—don’t be afraid—praise the Lord in public— reap and spread the benefits!