Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Effortless Healing

Effortless Healing by Joseph Mercola presents nine principles to help your body heal itself. Mercola was trained in the traditional methods of health care and now emphasizes alternative medicine. Here are the nine healing principles he describes, Drink pure water… Continue Reading →

Why Should I Read My Bible?

What is your attitude toward reading God’s word?  The Psalmist was eager to read and study God’s word, O how I love Your law!  It is my meditation all the day.  (Psalm 119:97) How do I develop a love like… Continue Reading →

Spiritual Growth – Part 3

The first blog post in this series looked at the importance of our relationship with God.  The second post revealed how God uses circumstances in our lives to foster our spiritual growth.  This post will examine the importance of personal… Continue Reading →

Beyond Willpower

Beyond Willpower by Alex Loyd challenges the standard success blueprint that focuses on these three principles: 1. Focus on what you want 2. Figure out a plan to get there 3. Put the plan into action On the surface that sounds… Continue Reading →

Living with Purpose – Resilience

“Life is difficult.”  That is the first sentence of M. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less Traveled.  He encourages the reader, “Once we truly know that life is difficult – once we truly understand and accept it – then life… Continue Reading →

Do you have True Grit?

I recently read How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough. A fascinating concept that Tough describes in this book is the research of Angela Duckworth on the topic of “Grit”.  Grit may be… Continue Reading →

The End of An Era

As war is raging in the Middle East and as America is facing a fiscal cliff, you may not have realized the ground breaking news that we are facing the end of an era.  The Hostess company has announced that they are filing… Continue Reading →


Do you have a dream of what God can do in and through your life?  All of us have had dreams but sometimes we lose sight of the dream.  Doubts within and circumstances on the outside can cause you to lose sight… Continue Reading →

Know God – No Fear

This morning I was reading Die Losungen which is a devotional in German.  Today’s Old Testament verse is a great promise to those facing challenges, “Ich bin der HERR, dein Gott, der deine rechte Hand faßt und zu dir spricht: Fürchte dich… Continue Reading →

Parkinson’s Law

My last blog post presented an overview of the Pareto Principle that described how 20% of the effort accomplishes 80% of the results (as long as you get the right 20%).  Now that you’ve applied the Pareto Principle to your life you’re probably wondering what… Continue Reading →

The Pareto Principle

Early in the 20th century Vilfredo Pareto noticed that 20% of the pea pods in his garden contained 80% of the peas (he was probably minding just his peas because he didn’t say anything about his q’s).  Since he was an economist he noticed several… Continue Reading →

Great Exploits

I’ve been contemplating the life of the prophet Daniel this week.  He is an incredible combination of profound competence and righteous character – Daniel is a great model of a spiritual leader.  Near the end of this short book is an arresting… Continue Reading →


Authenticity is the freedom to be who we really are.  If we are insecure about who we are we will often seek validation through the opinions of others.  My previous post DEVELOPING SELF-WORTH – OVERCOMING PERFECTIONISM revealed how a healthy… Continue Reading →


Throughout the school year I am constantly recommending books to my students and realizing the heavy workload they have I encourage them to put it on their summer reading list.  Just to let you know that I practice what I… Continue Reading →

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