Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



It’s What’s On the Inside That Counts

“What are these people’s stories?  How did they end up here?”, I wondered, when I first met some of the residents at a homeless shelter a group of us volunteered at for a week.  Some of them fit the stereotype—“grungy”,… Continue Reading →

Be Careful What You Eat!

“There is a way that seems right to a [person] but its end is the way to death.”  Prov.14:12 Last week our family visited a sea turtle conservation center, where they bring rescued sea turtles for rehabilitation and treatment to… Continue Reading →

Don’t Come On Too Strong

Have you ever met someone that “comes on too strong”? We can interpret “strong” in many ways—aggressive, opinionated, overbearing, talkative, friendly, enthusiastic, etc. While some of these are obviously negative, some traits can be positive, such as friendly and engaging…. Continue Reading →

Surprise Others With Encouragement!

People are often surprised by encouragement. Why? 1) Low self-esteem—they don’t believe they deserve encouragement.  In their minds/hearts, they’re not good enough.  Or what they did wasn’t good enough.  Or what they plan on trying to do won’t be good… Continue Reading →

The Joy of Sharing

“’Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.’” (Luke 3:11) Moms like to muse. Especially as we’re getting older and missing those younger days when our children were… Continue Reading →

Why It’s Good to Ask For and Receive Help

Late last year I learned something about myself that I didn’t realize before—I really don’t like to need or accept help! And here, all these years, I thought I was one of those “hopelessly/happily dependent females” – the kind that… Continue Reading →

How to Overcome and Eliminate Counterproductive Thought Patterns—Part 2

In Part 1, we looked at the dangers of counterproductive thought patterns, and how such “stinking thinking” results in terrible feeling, behavior, and relational breakdown. We investigated the first two major categories of this– mindreading and mind-feeding—then how to recognize… Continue Reading →

How to Reverse and Defeat Counterproductive Thought Patterns—Part 1

Have you ever found yourself spiraling down, down, down, into depression, discouragement, and despair? When that happens, the source is always counterproductive (usually negative) thought patterns, aka “stinking thinking”! But don’t despair over despair! What gets us down can also… Continue Reading →

Beyond-the-Boundaries Grace

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9) “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace… Continue Reading →

Character is King for Leadership– Part 1

Take a look at any leaders, past or present, who you and others consider truly great.  Now consider those leaders, past or present, who you and most sane people consider terrible.  What’s the main difference? Charisma (dynamic personality)?  Competence (skill… Continue Reading →

Harmonious Relationships

Last week a good friend, D., came over, who happens to be an opera-singer quality soprano that has blessed many, including me, with her God-given vocal talent  My husband, a wonderful, sweet, tenor, came home from work while my friend… Continue Reading →

Taking the First Step Toward Reconciliation

How many times has this scenario happened to you– You have a disagreement with someone you care about– Emotions rise, voices raise with them, anger boils over, both of you get hurt, and one or both of you marches away… Continue Reading →

How to Eliminate Frustration When People Don’t “Get It”

How many times have you felt like saying, or actually said, “How many times have I told you…?!”?  You wish people would listen and really get it the first time. A second time can be ok, considering all the stuff… Continue Reading →

Are you a people pleaser?

Jesus’ teaching and His miracles were generating a dedicated group of followers. He was simultaneously facing increased hostility from the religious leaders. The opposition against Jesus reached a climax as the religious leaders sought to rid themselves of this iconoclastic… Continue Reading →

How to Keep An Attitude of Gratitude In the Midst of Commercialism

I recently saw a funny-yet-profound post on Facebook—a picture of a front yard with an inflatable turkey and inflatable Santa next to each other.  The turkey, standing upright, had evidently knocked the Santa on its back, since it was declaring,… Continue Reading →

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