Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



What If It Doesn’t Happen?

What happens if it doesn’t happen? Sometimes we need to let it.   You know the scenario—either you or someone else says, “If I don’t do this, it won’t happen.” That may be true. If you don’t take the initiative,… Continue Reading →

Detoxifying the Atmosphere

Everyone knows that toxic leaders ruin an organization. Ball hogs and junkyard dogs are bad enough on a team but put them in leadership and they’ll “run off” all the true service animals!   What does that leave an organization… Continue Reading →

Position Doesn’t Equal Value

The stone on top of the stack isn’t the biggest or best one. Nor is it necessarily the most beautiful. In fact, it’s there because of the bigger ones supporting it underneath. Likewise, a higher position doesn’t equal a superior… Continue Reading →

Genuine Loyalty

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Mat. 6:24   Many years ago, a few months after we got… Continue Reading →

Watching the Pot

We’ve heard the saying, “A watched pot never boils”, meaning “Don’t just sit around anxiously waiting for something to happen or it will seem to take even longer, or may not even happen at all.” That’s true. But there are… Continue Reading →

Discerning What’s Real Despite What We Feel

Our feelings are real, but they don’t equal reality. For example—we feel hurt because of what we perceive as disrespect by someone who still hasn’t answered our email after a week. This is a real and valid feeling and concern…. Continue Reading →

Broadening the Range For Better Teams

The broader the range, the better the team, given good blending. Consider a choir, for example. What if it only had basses, or tenors, or altos, or sopranos, or something in the middle with only a one-octave range of voices?… Continue Reading →

How To Avoid Unhealthy Competition

Not everyone enjoys competition. Some, like me and maybe you, would prefer a world where we don’t have to compete to succeed. Or, maybe we’d like a family member, colleague, or friend to realize they don’t have to compete to… Continue Reading →

What Did You Expect?

Recently, during church service, a young man, age 22, gave a testimony about his faith journey, leading up to where he’s at now. He spoke of the many questions he’s had, how the Lord used others to bring him to… Continue Reading →

Living Into God’s Design For Us

Those who do what they’re designed for will always enjoy their work and find purpose and meaning therein. Show me someone who loves their job to the point of eagerness to do more and I’ll show you someone who’s doing… Continue Reading →

Let’s Make Room For Others

Those who makes no room for others will always walk alone. I noticed this in the physical realm the other day when I saw a couple walking their dog. The wife tried to walk next to the husband on the… Continue Reading →

How to Invest “Disposable” Income

…Your neighbors have “recycle bins” they’d love for you to use! In other words, we have better uses for our “extra” finances than just spending them selfishly on things we don’t need. “All well and good”, a prosperous person may… Continue Reading →

What To Do About Busy Signals (and People)

Back in the day of landline phones (which some folks still have), there was this annoying sound called a “busy signal”. It wasn’t pleasant. Whoever designed it could have kindly created the sound of chirping birds or a harp or… Continue Reading →

Left To One’s Own Devices

Originally “leaving someone to their own devices” metaphorically meant letting them decide for themselves what to do. Now, we can take that literally—as in, these days, people have many (electronic) devices—smart phones, laptops, iPads, e-Readers, etc. Because of this, many… Continue Reading →

Where Healing and Improvement Begin

With openness. We see this principle everywhere. For example, you can’t fix a car with the hood closed. We also need to open the hood to apply jumper cables, add oil, clean the parts, and do maintenance. We can’t do… Continue Reading →

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