Have you ever felt disrespected? If you haven’t and would like to, try being a substitute teacher in a middle-school class! For the rest of us, we dislike it when others: —Tune us out and don’t listen to our suggestions,… Continue Reading →
Dreams are the stuff that greatness is made of! Last weekend, the USA and others celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first landing of a person on the moon. “One small step for (a) man; one big leap for mankind!”… Continue Reading →
Lately I’ve been hearing often from people who tell me “he/she/they don’t understand!” That’s frustrating! Sometimes it’s their husband or wife. Or their kids. Or their parents. Or even a co-worker. Always, it’s someone who matters. We need these people… Continue Reading →
Even the best relationships encounter times when we have to communicate a hard truth to other person or people. Since most of us don’t relish this or feel we have the “ministry of rebuke”, it feels uncomfortable. So we either… Continue Reading →
People are often surprised by encouragement. Why? 1) Low self-esteem—they don’t believe they deserve encouragement. In their minds/hearts, they’re not good enough. Or what they did wasn’t good enough. Or what they plan on trying to do won’t be good… Continue Reading →
Everyone needs encouragement, even if they don’t look like it or won’t admit it. There’s: Family members— Our spouse; kids; parents; siblings; cousins; aunt; uncles; nieces; nephews; grandparents; grandchildren; in-laws (yeah, them too!)… People close and/or significant to you– Our… Continue Reading →
Our neighbor around the corner and up the street owns a very LOUD motorcycle. The kind everyone within a mile can hear approaching. If you live on the corner with the stop sign, like we do, you can also hear… Continue Reading →
Midnight Friday night. My husband and I had slipped into slumber, when, first came a clatter, then the dog-barking “chatter, then me asking “What’s the matter?!” Then came the knocking, our dog leaped over the blocking, we found it shocking—… Continue Reading →
Have you ever faced adversity? That’s a rhetorical question. As soon as we’re born and the doctor slaps our bottom to make sure we’re breathing, and we cry, we’ve faced adversity! While most of us would prefer to avoid it,… Continue Reading →
“Passion Week” – Starting with Jesus coming into Jerusalem, being welcomed and cheered by a huge crowd, and treated like a king. Something like 1st-time Superbowl winners coming back to a parade. Or, better yet, veterans from World War II… Continue Reading →
Ever wish you could rewind time and do an edit on events/ your actions/your words? Cut out the ugly, damaging, stuff and splice together the good stuff? Even do a re-take and say/do the right thing instead of the wrong… Continue Reading →
Have you ever had anyone tell you, “Wow, there’s more to you than meets the eye!”? My husband and I have. Years ago, we had gone to speak at a church’s weekend conference. We had our two young sons with… Continue Reading →
Guess what—if you’re reading this today, it’s not yesterday anymore! For real! We can act like it’s still yesterday. We can focus on yesterday and get so preoccupied with it that nothing else matters to us. We can talk about… Continue Reading →
The area we live in often gets very windy. Gusts come whipping around the bend up to 50 mph, carrying all kinds of debris, and dumping it where it has to stop. Such as the outside wall of our house,… Continue Reading →
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